Stitch #82.

Nov 04, 2008 18:50

I had, of course, absolutely no intention of making an appearance at that ball. However, it occurred to me that as Doumeki-san began to improve, it would be something nice, so entirely for his sake, I attended. It also gave me a very good excuse to bow out as early as I liked.

I did not strive to be recognized, but this was my mask.

As ever, the City has a talent for bastardizing, with All Souls Day being no exception- and late.

And when I'm left with only comments on curses, or the lack thereof, then ...

Well. I might as well actually try this out.

What is the opinion of the majority on establishing laws?


Two days.

The time I've been here has been so irregular. All together, has it only been a year? But in two days, it will be my second birthday here. So how old am I?

If no time will have passed once I return home, then it's meaningless to celebrate it here.


[Private to Arisawa-san]

A nice surprise. When did you learn to dance?


just over compensate, idk my bff mickey, ignoring you, cirucci thunderwitch, but he fakes it anyway, he makes up in denial, aftermath, ishida is not very smooth, ishida is a loser tru fact

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