Jun 30, 2007 22:49
why does gender have to be a factor in ones partner at all?
to say that one will only date men or only date women then brings up the question; what defines a man or a woman? is it simply genetalia? or is it gender identity.. and as for the people who fall into a grey area of gender queer or intersexed, are they just off limits for dating?
thats bullshit. for all your pretencious assumptions and ageist rantings and generalizations you haven't even defined what qualifies one as a particular sex. what does it matter that i have been out since middle school? what does it matter than i have dated men, women and in between simply because i love people. i'm most certaintly not a lesbian and have never claimed to be one.. but i have also never once thought of myself as straight and couldnt stand the thought of being told i was. "pick a side!" why? so i can fit into a gender and sexual binary that makes YOU more comfortable?
lie-sexuals? that's cute, very cute. i hope you are very proud to have enter leagues with those who chant "adam and eve, not adam and steve!".
of course if you would like to bring up my age, a meer 19 years old, i could introduce you to my mother. 52, bisexual and married for 27 years. she has had no extra-marital affairs despite your seemingly constant assertions that bisexual people are polyamorous.
it is not who you have sex with that determines your sexuality, though it can be indicative of it.. so i have had sex with men and women and an FTM.. what does that make me? confused?
fuck that, i know what i am, i fight for the right to marry the person i love along side you and you can't even give me the decency of acknowledgement? i fight for your rights and you dont believe that i excist? maybe bisexuality would have more validity to you if you hadn't come out as bisexual before you had the balls to come out as gay? who's the liar there? that's bullshit.