(no subject)

Feb 13, 2008 19:32

[video post : a surprisingly calm and well mannered Tamaki… holding a nicked Hikaru-sock]

…Valen…tine's Day? Ah.

Such a day of love and beauty should bring joy in all hearts. For us, your most unworthy Hosts, there is no greater joy than serving you well tomorrow. Fair ladies, please smile kindly upon us.

…isn't that what we want, Hikaru?

[…spotlight on Hikaru-sock, voiced in what is only too obviously Tamaki's very bad impersonation. ._.]

Oh, I don't know, my Lord, I'm only a perverted Hitachiin, who prays on innocent souls and you are so noble and gracious and pretty, and loooooooveeeeeeeeeeely ~

Even though I couldn't have said that better myself, please try, Hikaru!

Well, my Lord, I'm so shy, you see - my lewdness has rotted my teeth!

Hikaru! What will these ladies think?

Oh, good thing the ladies still have you, my Lord! Their one and only hope!

…are you trying to get off a day's work, you horrible twin?



You see, my Lord, we have no sponsor! Imagine! The cruelty! The horror! We cannot serve these lovely ladies as they only deserve, beyond the best of our efforts! Oh, if only SOMEONE WERE TO HELP US… Even a villain as I cannot stand it… no… no… I shal… gasp… faint!

[Hikaru-sock… "flails." Camera back on Tamaki.]

Indeed, Hikaru. If only. However, no matter what - to our beloved guests, please enjoy yourselves tomorrow. A day so bright may only mirror your endless beauty.

[end of video session of lulz woe]

Host Club :: barely managed to filter through more dumb luck than not :: writing

…clearly, SUCCESS. Ah, but to add such great acting ability to my already impressive resume! Do you think anyone caught on, Kaoru? Ah, no! How could they have?! That was Hikaru himself, grumbling from the dead!

Valentine's Day - and then. White Day. White Day. Ah, the beauty of Japanese culture! WHITE DAAAAAAAY AND ITS MANY LOVELY DELIGHTS - come to Daddy! Say, Mother - have you hand woven your kotatsu yet? Whiiiiiiiiite Daaaaa---

Company. HALT.

Valentine's Day. Advertisement or not, surely… surely there's something we can do for all these wonderful demoisellles? No one should spend such a day in a strange place, with strange people, and no pleasure at all.

Ah --- subjects, a plan! Dote upon YOUR MOST EXCELLENT OF LIEGES!

Wasn't there a green little place around… here… somewhere? Garden! Xena… Xerox… Xanax Gardens? We can certainly… borrow… a few? Dozens.

Mou… ste-borrowing… isn't that a bit… ah.
Truly, the possessor of beauty is such a monster!Well. We will go native! Commoners borrow all the time, and then there's the… "interest" thing, and Kyouya gets rich off it, so the Host profits! Clearly, by borrowing these flowers, we will only be serving the Ootori funds and we can ask for a noble donation - the way I see it - in the right way - it is no more than we deserve! Mother, this means you owe us a great debt.

Less talk - flowers! Distribution. Kaoru, you get into the dirt for Daddy too!

[ooc: so TOMORROW, this idiot, and possibly Kaoru too, will be handing out stolen "borrowed" Xanadu flowers to all ladies in the Square. Feel free to make mention of it or have your character receive a flower, if you'd like. Mod approved!Host Club kind sponsor hunt : OPEN SEASON! Hikaru-sock, all Kaoru-mun's, and links only there for ooc / player reference!]

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