[Lecture Notes] Late Monet

Mar 16, 2009 23:11

Late Monet

The Regatta at Argenteuil (1972)
- It really is that simple

The technique of the artist becomes more visibility complicated
"Meadows with Haystacks near Guverny" 1885
- More complex than 1870s, whole bunch of brushstrokes, not mixed together
○ Technical complexity beyond thickness
○ no longer capturing momentary vision
○ Still wants to make it look kind of simple//impression of a quick brushstrokes --> representing not just a meadow but quickness by representing a brushstrokes
§ Series of techniques to create the brushstrokes he wants
○ Loses signs of contemporary life

"Grain stack at Sunset" 1891
- Shelter, eternal variety of countryside, stepping away from signs of contemporary life of older works
- Warm evening, August scene

"Grain stack (Snow Effect) 1891
- Seasonal variation, matters more than things like that latest fad/structure/event
- Visual effects (not as momentary experience but ponderation of longer lasting seasonal changes)

- Pictures of country sides don't have to be devoid of presents

There is no story!
- Remove itself from human bodies --> natural
○ Very artificial but it is treated like it is natural
○ Edge is thicker than haystack, dissolved away from sunlight, certain texture is laid down
○ Marker of time: time involved for the artist to create the picture, the seasonal variation
Not recording but manipulating --> layers had to dry//durational technique --> artist manipulation, change the scene

- Active role, change it/distort it
- Moves from ephemeral to durable --> synthesizing, rendering it to your manipulation, deeper truth, it has meaning now

"Rouen Cathedral at Sunset" 1892-94
- The date, layer upon layer of paint
- Taking him time to distort images to explore deeper truths
- It’s a church
- It is not a neutral subject
○ What does he say about the church?
§ No trace of religious iconography
§ Strips the surface of the canvas, treat as the play of light on rough stones (like The Mannepolote)
□ NO RELIGION, treats like it is not a religious idea infuse but a part of nature
□ Variation --> change/effects, cathedral s just a surface where he can do his distorting, surface for play of light
§ Representing the uncovering of deeper truth, spiritual mediation

lecture notes, 134c

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