Number of hours till I can stop hating my life:

Dec 24, 2006 11:46

Seven and a half. And that's assuming that the people that I work with don't wander, don't take long breaks or extra breaks, don't hang out talking to thier friends, and don't give up on doing what work they can just because the customers are messing up the work that they shouldn't be trying to do while the store's still open.

Last year half of the store got to leave around 7:30 and we had to stay till almost 9 because we were short and it takes so much longer to straighten up clothes than boxes. Not because we had lazy people. This year there are a LOT of lazy people. So I'm very scared.

Pray for me. ._.

Oh, and in about 12 hours, I'll be 27. Yay.
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