I am awesome!

May 31, 2006 02:07

I now have a brand new bed and dresser, courtesy of Ikea and put together by moi. My room is a lot smaller now that there's a full bed in it so I can't exercise in here anymore, but that's fine. Now I have lots of space to roll around in and if the dog decides he wants to snuggle I won't be so cramped. Yay. The thing I don't understand about thier beds though....why are they so low????

I'll have to keep reminding myself how awesome I am, because I had to talk to my "friend" today and I didn't feel as if it went well. I think he really may be sorry that things changed but since it wasn't my doing....who cares? I must care, because every time I speak to him my self esteem takes a nosedive. It is very, VERY good that he was only a friend rather than a boyfriend but from the difficulties that I'm having with putting this behind me, it almost feels as if he was.

Time to go spread out across my bed.
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