two ravens in the old oak tree (pg-13, cindy/lennon)

Aug 07, 2010 00:50

Title: two ravens in the old oak tree
Author: cloudytea 
Characters/Parings: Cindy/Lennon.
Rating: PG-13. Warning for character death. AU version of Season 6.
Summary: He wonders if she knew these places. Inspiration drawn from the song Signs by Bloc Party. For fanfic100's Not Enough and 10_prompts's Hold.

He remembers the way he shudders against her fingertips (she never touched him before), the way her lips are soaked in her own tears, the way she makes love to him for the first (and last) time. Silent tears stream her face as he holds her hips steady -- when he thinks back upon it, he wonders if she knew this was it, that the end was nigh. She cries into his neck until dawn and he holds her, strokes her hair and tells her lies about how nothing will ever happen to her. To him. To them.

He remembers the kiss that should have lasted a lifetime, her lips and the words that followed: I’m sorry, I have to do this. A few minutes later, she reaffirms her decision once more. We can’t take that risk. She disappears with the crowd and out of this world.

The swipe of a blade against his neck ends his life -- an hour later, a new one begins. The next day, he finds the camp is littered with death; Widmore’s men showed no mercy -- only the children escaped. He sends them to the Temple, under the watchful eye of Dogen.

The monster is nowhere to be seen.

He finds her just before the tree line, mere inches from freedom. Her lips are the color of an overcast day and a ruby red bullet hole pierces the side of her skull. He buries her just before sunset. He is drunk on stale DHARMA beer just after sundown. Days later, it is all over and Hume agrees to take Zach and Emma back to wherever they came from -- they have no place here, especially now that she is gone.

Sometimes, Reyes lets him leave. He finds himself in Sydney and walks the streets, wondering if she knew these places. He buys plane tickets and doesn’t even care where he’s going, drinks vodka until the flight attendant looks something like Cindy and when he gets off the plane, he buys a cheap motel room and stays there for days.

Lennon dreams -- sometimes. And when he does, he wants to lock them up in a safe and keep them forever. It begins on the island (it always begins there) and she’ll be there, tracing the lines in his face and whispers promises to him -- just like the lies he told her. She smells like the fruits she would peel on hot summer days and tastes like the sweet dew that coated the jungle air just after a rainstorm. They end before she can get too close, before he can let his lips trace over her own, before he can get what he wants.

He finds it fitting that he’s killed in a plane crash. An hour after takeoff, they hit turbulence and crash into the Pacific. There’s no island in sight. Only the blue emptiness.

And then, the only green in sight is that of her eyes, wide and beautiful, the fullness of her lips slightly parted at the sight of him. They are standing in the middle of a bustling airport and she’s dressed in an Oceanic flight attendant uniform, suitcase clattering loudly to the ground.

Don’t let me go, she whispers through the tears.

He promises he won’t -- And this time, he doesn’t have to lie.

pairing: lennon/cindy, rating: pg-13, character: lennon, character: cindy chandler, challenge: fanfic100

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