beat our dust hearts (cindy/lennon, pg-13)

Jul 25, 2010 00:55

Title: beat our dust hearts
Author: cloudytea
Characters: Cindy/Lennon, with brief mentions of Dogen, Zach, Emma, Colleen, and Gary Troup.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Warnings: Through Season 6, but nothing major. This is unusually fluffy compared to my other Lindy fics, but I'm sick of being mournful.
Summary: Sometimes she wishes his words were as gentle as his hands. For 1sentence theme set Epsilon. 1739 words.

01. Motion
Motion has always been apart of her life - she was a flight attendant, before (unsuccessfully) pitching tents and building campfires became her daily routine - but the moment she lays eyes on Lennon, Cindy realizes that all roads lead to him.

02. Cool
The breezes that swept through the jungle air are the only thing that can appease her dreams: they are always begin with him and end in fire; she wonders why this doesn’t disturb her more than it should.

03. Young
She was such a young, naïve thing when she first fell in love -- it wasn’t until twelve years later that she realizes that was mere child’s play compared to now; and unlike before, she is sure that she can handle whatever he has to offer.

04. Last
When they kiss for the first time, Cindy is almost afraid that it will also be the last; his fingers eagerly memorize the curves of her body while his mouth claims her own in an unnatural fervor -- it is almost too much.

05. Wrong
Legs entwined and fingers entangled in each other’s hair, she wonders if this is wrong -- but all her doubts are erased by the touch of his lips.

06. Gentle
Sometimes she wishes his words were as gentle as his hands.

07. One
Cindy knows she isn’t the only woman he’s been with -- sometimes she swears she can hear him say Colleen’s name instead of her own -- but she’s willing to give him a chance.

08. Thousand
If she had a thousand dollars for every time Lennon made her smile, she’d give it all away; she is already rich in happiness.

09. King
They are stooped over an old chessboard and she hushes him at the sound of his impatience; suddenly she makes her move -- her queen corners his king; Checkmate, she announces, satisfaction in her voice.

10. Learn
It takes her a long time to grow used to this way of life -- sometimes she wonders what her mother would think of her sleeping on the ground and loving a man she has no business ever even knowing.

11. Blur
The trees are a blur of green as she sprints away from the rattling and the roaring -- just as she begins to lose hope and her entire world begins to dim, a strong grasp pulls her into a grouping of trees and his voice whispers into her ear: I’ve got you.

12. Wait
At first, Lennon wants to wait and allow this feeling to dissipate -- he is sure Dogen would never approve -- but his doubts are obliterated the moment his fingertips accidentally grazes her hand; he realizes that there’s never been a hand he’s wanted to hold more.

13. Change
He is unused to change -- the Temple represented prolonged stability -- but the moment he lays eyes on her, he welcomes it.

14. Command
While Dogen is their leader, Lennon remains the intermediary, creating a sort of tension between him and his fellow neighbors -- but she follows his commands without question, a small smile always on her lips.

15. Hold
When he holds her close, the scent of her hair reminds him of something similar to what he supposes home smells like.

16. Need
Cindy has many needs -- food, water, shelter -- but they pale in comparison to that of his smiles; they are the oxygen in her lungs and the blood in her veins.

17. Vision
When they are together, she’ll toss off his glasses and Lennon hates it; he wants to see her laugh lines and beautiful smile -- it makes her seem real.

18. Attention
By day, Lennon pays no mind to her -- their communication is limited only to sideward glances and hidden winks -- but at night, Cindy is his entire world.

19. Soul
Sometimes, she wonders if there is such a thing as too much love -- it can’t possibly be good for the soul.

20. Picture
In her head, Cindy keeps a picture of all the things she’s ever wanted -- and it doesn’t take her long to realize she already has those things: home, family, and love.

21. Fool
In the beginning, she thinks herself foolish for even giving him a second thought -- how could someone in his position ever afford to be with her?

22. Mad
But when he does give in, she thinks him mad and struggles to turn away -- but the temptation was too unbearable.

23. Child
There are times when Cindy thinks if she could ever give him a child, although she has Zach and Emma and they are more than enough; but she can’t help but think Lennon would make an excellent father (but then again, her own ran off when she was ten -- who was she to judge?).

24. Now
She stares up at the stars and Lennon will ask her Where are you -- Cindy’s thoughts are always consumed by the past (the people she left behind) and future (what will become of her), never to be bothered with the here and now.

25. Shadow
Only when surrounded by stone walls and concealed by the shadows can they truly feel comfortable -- something about the darkness makes them feel safe.

26. Goodbye
She is given the choice -- stay here or go with Alpert’s group -- and his sad eyes make the decision for her; I could never say goodbye, Cindy explains much later.

27. Hide
Their lives remind Cindy of that old Beatles song -- You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away -- but for some reason, she can feel everyone already knows about it; their stares do all the talking.

28. Fortune
Lennon never believed in luck, but he knows he’s struck gold the first time he makes her smile.

29. Safe
From her very first night on the island, Cindy knows trouble can be around any corner -- but in the confines of his arms, she truly feels safe.

30. Ghost
When Gary begins to haunt her dreams, Cindy wonders if she’s being punished for something; when she realizes that Colleen does the same to Lennon, she is willing to walk through hell with him at her side.

31. Book
Lennon asks her what she’s reading and Cindy lifts the book, revealing the cover and he smiles at the irony: it was Dante’s goal to make it to heaven -- they are practically there.

32. Eye
Even when she first arrives, Lennon keeps an eye on her and the kids -- the suspicious stares of others made them anxious in a place that was meant to protect.

33. Never
I’ve never killed anyone, Cindy whispers and Lennon takes a swig from the sake he swiped from Dogen’s desk, sleeves rolled up to mask the bloodstains; it’s his turn and he murmurs, I’ve never killed anyone without the intent of protecting someone I care about, and he wants to laugh at the confession he just made, but the inflamed symbol branded into his lower back makes it too painful to even smile.

34. Sing
Her heart doesn’t beat at the sign of his mere presence -- it sings.

35. Sudden
Cindy blurts it out one day, sick of carrying the weight of it on her shoulders: I love you.

36. Stop
Sometimes he will stop talking to her for days on end -- it isn’t until later that she discovers Lennon’s reason is to protect her from all the burdens he carries.

37. Time
He gives her time and she gives him her heart -- it’s their never-ending cycle of cat and mouse.

38. Wash
The newcomers are blessed and dunked into the spring water, and as this happens, Cindy feels a strange calm overtake her: the past doesn't matter anymore -- all her sins have been washed away; a man in glasses offers her his hand as she climbs out of the pool.

39. Torn
Soon, she is torn between him and the kids -- Cindy wonders if Lennon needs her as much as they need her.

40. History
She knows he has a history with this place, but doesn’t want to know unless he wants her to know -- Lennon has a way of revealing things only when the time is right.

41. Power
There are days when Cindy wonders if they only feel this way because of the power the island holds -- had they met in the real world, would she ever bother to give him a second look?

42. Bother

His loose sighs and aggravated glares make her wonder if she bothers him -- Lennon assures her it’s just part of the job and kisses her forehead.

43. God
Cindy never gave much thought to a higher being, but if there ever was a God, she was thankful to know that he gave her Lennon.

44. Wall
Sometimes, Cindy feels like she’s talking to a brick wall -- his silence only furthers the theory -- but a smile of his turns her into a puddle of water.

45. Naked
Now that Cindy thinks about it, Lennon’s the only man in her adult life that hasn’t seen her naked on the first date -- they waited until the third.

46. Drive
She wonders what drives him: money is useless, power only corrupts -- but she likes to think that maybe her smiles and kind words just might do the trick.

47. Harm
Did I hurt you, Lennon asks as they lay in his bed between sweat-soaked sheets; Cindy shakes her head and smiles a little -- he could never hurt her even if he tried.

48. Precious
Up until this very moment, Lennon realizes that all the things he thought precious to him in the past were but mere glimmers of what he is experiencing now; nothing compares to those glittering green eyes and the fullness of her lips.

49. Hunger
Lennon’s been hungry his entire life: not for food, not for freedom -- but for the sweet taste of her lips.

50. Believe
Even as they lay together in the darkness of his room, Lennon still tends to believe that this is not all their lives will amount to -- a small part of him wants to take Cindy faraway from here, but he knows that the island has a strange way of bringing people back; it is a force not to be reckoned with.


ps - I really wanna write a fic about #33 now. The entire concept just came out of nowhere and...I must write. And yes, they are playing the infamous I Never game...And #45 made me lol irl.

...What were your favorites? :3 

character: dogen, character: emma, rating: pg-13, pairing: cindy/lennon, character: colleen, character: cindy chandler, character: lennon, character: gary troup, character: zach

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