Happy Birthday Sammy + Something On My Mind...

May 02, 2012 23:53

Well...I'm ALMOST late...but I didn't forget!

So...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM WINCHESTER! Here's to many more of that gorgeous face!

On a side-note, I still mostly keep away from all things SPN-news-like. Buuut...I have heard about the critisizm Jared is getting for declining to go to some Cons this year?
So I just wanna take this opportunity to say: You people who are bitching 'cause of it...don't deserve to call yourself 'fans'. You're not 'fans', you're ass-holes. Respect the man's decision, and give him a freakin' BREAK?! He works his ass off 9 months out of a year, declines movie roles that could be great for his career, and sacrifices time with his family - and new baby - to bring us Supernatural.
So seriously, grow the fuck up.

Right. 'Nuff said. Goodnight!

hotness, rant, sam winchester

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