SGA/Lost: Friendly Skies

Feb 12, 2006 16:55

Title: Friendly Skies
Prompt: 80.Island
Claim: John Sheppard, Stargate Atlantis
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Lost
Words: 158
Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to someone else.
Notes: The blue-ice runway at McMurdo is also called the Pegasus runway. This fact has nothing to do with the actual story.

The new orders came through sooner than he expected; John figured Dr. Weir and the general wanted more time to work on him. He was on a C-5 to Christchurch the next morning.

There were military flights available, but something about flying seven thousand miles in a sidewall seat just didn't appeal. Not when the next trip he took was probably going to be to a quick death on another planet. His paychecks had been doing nothing but collecting interest for months- buying a commercial ticket was hardly an extravagance.

The direct flights from New Zealand were all full, though, and the best his bank account could buy him was a ninety-minute layover in Sydney. At least it gave him time to get a turkey sandwich.

Just enough time, as it turned out. He'd barely finished eating when they called the first round of boarding for Oceanic Flight 815.

Time to start the adventure they'd been promising him.

stargate atlantis, crossover, lost

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