Oct 04, 2004 03:22
I am largely composed of monkey spray and glitterazi. I have every opportunity to garnish tableaux with catamarans and dingoes. I do manage to afford myself occasionally of said opportunities. Have a pushpin, they are marvelous for invection, and trainy train train. Tavern folk have excessive tantrums at tocharian dialects which erupt at prespecified intervals. That is the sound, yes.
Say, have you the garden hose? I have it, but I thought you also might, given the fabricated sophisticate and his utterly dendrous tussle with Mrs. Fatterworth.
Victor, do trundle thy bed elsewhere, willn't thou? Willn't thou though thou be of the ramifacatory persuasion that ye be? Barrent thee arsamin? Timfordlent schwilligow? Tersanimous quizzlequint? Jossapersome biggenthorp!! Sanctillious yamtorbint!!!