Spielberg series sued for haircut A family from the Mescalero Apache tribe is suing the producers of a Steven Spielberg TV series for cutting their daughter's hair for the show.
The family said the hair of Christina Ponce, aged eight, was cut without regard for their tribal customs.
"It's part of our culture not to cut a girl's hair until her Coming
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- BUT -
Usually, when you audition for something, one of the questions that they ask is whether or not you are willing to change your appearance for a role; cut your hair, etc... When you sign the application, it becomes a binding legal agreement like any other job application.
So while the company does shoulder some responsibility for not learning something about the community they were recruiting performers from (it's quite possible that no one even thought to ask), and if the parents indicated that it wasn't acceptable then the company is liable. But if that was in the contract, then the company, legally speaking, had no obligation to ask the parents permission to cut their daughter's hair. Essentially, legally speaking again, the parents would be at fault for signing a contract without reading it first.
So do you think that this is REALLY just a case of economic privilage going berzerk? Or is it another example of the kind of misunderstanding that can happen in just about any situation.
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