Featured Article
(from Skeptic magazine Vol. 11, No 4)
This quarter, Skeptic.com presents an article in which Frederick V. Malmstrom asks: “Are UFO Alien Faces an Inborn Facial Recognition Template?”
The Descriptions of alien faces historically reported by UFO abductees are almost boringly uniform. Long before “close encounters” became a catchword in the ufologist’s vocabulary, self-proclaimed UFO abductees described their abductors as bulbous-headed humanoids equipped with oversized, wraparound eyes, vertical double-slit nostrils and gray skin. Is there another explanation for this uniformity of features besides the most obvious - that it is a description of an actual alien race?
Click here for the entire article. You really need the pictures for the whole experience. (If someone cared to 'Freud' this up a little, the results would be simply dazzling.)