I am pleased to announce that The Palm Beach Museum of Natural History is co-sponsoring a forum entitled:
A forum exploring Darwin’s impact on our modern thought and worldview; sponsored by the Center for Inquiry (Ft. Lauderdale Community), in conjunction with Broward Community College (North Campus), and the Palm Beach Museum of Natural History. This forum will be offered twice, so keep your calendar clear on February 7th or 12th.
For more information, see our
FLYER Those of you in South Florida, I hope to see you there; and for everyone else, I’d love to hear some suggestions and comments about this undertaking. I plan to
BLOG some of my drafts for what I plan to discuss; right now I hope to review the type of evidence (fossils, genetics, tool traditions, ect) used in the study of human evolution and demonstrate how that data can be used to explore how modern anthropology has been shaped by the Darwinian paradigm. This could also be extended to discuss how Darwin has affected our understanding of ourselves as biological and cultural entities. Of course, this is a very wide discussion and I will have to narrow the focus somewhat; however, I always think that it is better to dream BIG.
If this event is a success, I think it is something that could be replicated in other locations. A forum of a few people is not difficult to set up and a local museum, college, or community center can host the event. With the current focus on evolution due to news stories about Intelligent Design, it would be a perfect time to get the science/museum community involved in getting the 'realities' of evolution out to the public.
X-POSTED to museumpeople, museum geek, bioanth, anthropology, anthropologist, academicFAU