Contrary to myth, Christianity's concept of marriage has not been set in stone since the days of Christ, but has constantly evolved as a concept and ritual. Prof. John Boswell, the late Chairman of Yale University’s history department, discovered that in addition to heterosexual marriage ceremonies in ancient Christian church liturgical documents
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It did not call all the People of the Book apes and swine, being turned into apes and swine was a punishment for those who transgressed and behaved unjustly. This is common even in the Bible, isn't it? That some Jews in the past tended to kill the prophets and messengers sent to them.
Once again, that other part is during wartime. Paying jizya is no different than paying taxes. That's all it is, really, paying a tax to continue living in a land under Muslim rule, so they'll protect you as one of their own.
Once again, please don't confuse some people's twisting of the truth to serve their own ideals and goals to be the true Islam. There are many people who call for harsher punishments than necessary or even ridiculous things that are directly against Islam. Muslims are not supposed to kill anyone for not converting to Islam! "La ikraha fil-deen" meaning "there is no compulsion in religion." That's also in the Quran.
I would imagine they were co-mingled because of they're being Abrahamic religions. Not sure why Christianity was not included among them, if that were the reason, but... -shrugs-
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