Hello everyone,
Thanks so much for allowing me to post a call for participants for my dissertation research study in this community. Information about the study can be found behind this cut:
Colleagues....I am hoping that you can help me to get the word out about this study and/or participate yourselves. There are 2 components to the study:
1) an online web survey or
2) an in person interview with me (if you live in the Bay Area), or both!
The survey should only take 10 minutes or so, and is almost nearly anonymous (however, email addresses are required if people want to enroll in the giveaway), so people can participate without disclosing their identity.
For those who reside in the Bay Area, I am also conducting a separate in person in depth interview - which should take about an hour. Participants are compensated $20 for their time, as well as a coffee or drink on me! People can reach me through the study email address: internet.sex.research@gmail.com
Are you interested in participating in a research study about women's perspectives and experiences with online dating or "hooking up"?
You may be eligible to participate in the study if:
-You are female
-You reside in the United States
-Are not transgender (any stage)
-You are 18 years of age or older
-You are able to read and write English
-You have used at least one Internet website in the past year to meet your dating or sex partners
Survey respondents are eligible to enter into a random drawing to win a $100 Amazon.com gift certificate. All answers are completely confidential but an email address is required to enter the drawing. Your email address will never be given or sold to a third party.
I am a graduate student at the University of California, San Francisco. I am conducting research on women's experiences using the Internet to date and meet partners for the specific purpose of "hooking up". I am interested in women's perspectives and experiences with these types of encounters and matters of sex and intimacy in general. The online survey will take anywhere between 10-20 minutes depending upon the length of your responses.
If you wish to participate, or would like to learn more about this study, please visit the survey website:
Click Here to take survey Thank you for considering participation!
- X posted to Public Health