help the author

Oct 03, 2007 10:30

My friend is working on a book and he's looking for some stellar references. Unfortunately, I know NOTHING about what he's asking for. Can someone help?

thelucyfurr is looking for:

1) An extra-astounding book on the conquest of Mexico by Cortez. I've been reading several, but if you know of one that's extra-awesome I'd love it
2) A good, comprehensive book on the world of the 1500's. I'm looking for cultural, social, real-life stuff. What life was like for people. One thing in particular I need to know is what a Spanish town in the Americas would be like in the early 1530's-1540's. Even more specifically, what the town of Vera Cruz was like
3) I want to research Ponce de Leon in detail. There are a zillion books out there on him and would love to be able to narrow down the list to a couple really great ones.
4) If you know of any unique perspectives on the Conquistador phenomenon in general...I'm especially interested in their mystical side (for instance, Columbus' 3rd voyage where he went searching for the Garden of Eden).

P.S. His first novel Adventures in the Imagination of Periphery Stowe is no longer in print, but you can get copies printed or downloaded via Lulu.


mexico, authors, conquistadores, ponce de leon, books, cortez, mesoamerica, columbus

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