Oct 20, 2005 23:54
eukaryotic creationisms. Hoo-ray isms! Ego blah-isms! just to drown out colloquial-isms for what is proprted is PORT! and tawny dreams of yester-years fancy and syphillitic nightmares hence. Drown ohhhhh penis of eternity! into the swollen cosmic vagina, vasocongesting with the juices of a thouSAND nebulae! until the contractions start and all us slobs are just breeched births of galactic fantasy! Until the last one hangs by his upper lip!!! hanging on the cliffside of a chequer-board kingdom. This delusive unreCLUEsive vast sonambulation! Yet!! until the innards are shared in the merciless feast of the heavens, never shall we folks of eviserated sadness know anything else!