Reply from Tony Zappia MP (Labor)

Oct 14, 2014 18:59

Received Mr Zappia's reply by snail mail. Short, to the point, and highly uninformative, but with a kinda-useful link (which was a sod to type).

Thank you for your email.

I did not speak in the debate within Parliament, however the arguments both for and against the legislation can be found at:;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbillhome%2Fs969%22

Yours sincerely


Tony Zappia MP
Federal Member for Makin
Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Manufacturing

Given that part of the outrage over how this dodgy piece of legislation was hustled through is that Labor was conspicuous by its absence during the debating of the bill in the Senate, his assurance that he didn't take part in the lower house does not inspire confidence in Labor being an independent, strong opposition. Or, indeed, in giving a flying F.

politics, replies, natsecambill, activism

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