Naruto still fucking rules, as do the Minibosses.

Oct 13, 2004 21:27

I got my phone all hooked up, Vonage is my phone provider. Five hundred minutes for $15/month, or unlimited US/Canada phonetime for $25. Plus it can go with me wherever I go, which is good? I don't travel a lot, and the box is a pain in the ass to connect to. Like they try to discourage it or something.

I got a pamphlet in the mail asking me to join the Air Force. I laughed weakly and took it to work (after getting the mail at lunchtime) and showed my co-workers, who thought it was funny. They suggested I send in a copy of my ID card along with the completed form, but my freaking address is an Air Force base. Your tax dollars at work, folks.

Pay day is Friday. That means it's a party weekend. I'll be inside, probably playing games. Speaking of which
Fable. Arrived today. Haven't played it.
Half-Life 2 Gold (Half-Life 2, Half-Life: Source, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source). Counter-Strike: Source is TEH PWNZ. Can't wait until they release HL2, I will be all up ons.
Katamari Damacy. Pending arrival, this game will be played. And how.
Paper Mario 2. Not sure how I'll feel about this game, but it's a Mario-based RPG, so it can't be all bad. Those Japanese are some crazy mofos.

Halo 2. Duh.
Metal Gear Solid 3. Cannot fucking wait.
Metroid Prime 2. All three of these are solid sequels from all reports, and one for each system. Yaye!

Will Buy:
World of Warcraft. If I can get past the fact that I have to pay money each month for the privilege of playing this game, it has every intention of sucking up my life energy, and I forsee many more latenesses on account of late nite gaming.
Gran Turismo 4. I played 3, and I'm not real big on racing games, but I was drawn in by the fact that I could race and win money and buy upgrades for cars. I love that. Put that in any game, and I will be hooked for a long time. But it wasn't my game, so I stopped playing it.
A teevee. I need a goddamn teevee. There is a real nice one they have over at the Exchange for like $700 with an HDTV converter thing already in it, so that would be good.
A sound system. 2.1 on analog sound doesn't cut it these days, no sir. Bose has the tools, and I don't have enough goddamn money.
A trip to San Diego in March. I need to save up, and every time I think of this trip, I hold back on the cash just a little bit. I managed to save around $100 last month, and am doing absolutely horrible at this month, especially since they gave me extra money (you know, "bank error in your favor collect $700", that sort of thing).
Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen. I was intending on buying these, but the SP seems to have little time in my life these days. Maybe a brand new DS for Christmas would convince me otherwise? Actually, what I could use for Christmas is a plane/train ticket to San Diego, hotel accomadations (shared with Aune or someone, probably), and all the entrance fees for the conference. I think I can manage that $100 on a week's worth of food and libations. I'd suggest that for my birthday, too, but everyone's probably going to get me booze or strip clubs or something, as it happens to be my twenty-first.

Wow, longer update than I thought.
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