Engineering Estimating Excel in Eradicating.

Jan 18, 2007 18:48

Yeah... Eradicating some semblemce of interest...sort of. Estimating 1 is going to be as bad as I make it sound, i mean it's a really interesting Teacher that I enjoy.

School started today, finally. I was anxious to get back, I was reading some of my earlier notes not too long ago, I know i'm such a geek, but hey, Tech course. Hard Stuff...Engineering and the like. I love it though. It really makes me appreciate all the work that goes into everything I look at around me [buildings, bridges, the metro etc].

I had an insight i think into my ambition. Civil Engineer is a broad spectrum of which i've nailed it down to possibly one of the individual fractions of this light. I'm probably going to push for Porject Manager when I graduate. Working as a technologist for the Firm in any type of Montreal Construction, then work as a Junior Manager, to Senior Manager, to all out Project Manager.

Tee, i bask in the feeling that one day i could possibly be working on designing the buildings that many will live or work in, and despite the fact I wont get to name it, or anything like that, i feel that it something i really..really would like. When i move on, there's a part of me there, that hopefully, will be around..for a long time after I'm gone. [Provided it's been engineered right

Apart from that, I've been drawing again, if i can call what I do drawing. I'm not -unsatisfied- with what I do, but i'm surrounded by so many talented people when it comes to this sort of thing that I can't help myself comparing it to anything. Not that I feel bad about my stuff, it is after all reflections of my own nature and will eventually get better with time. I like it, i might try a few different styles later on, but for now, i'm content with some of the things I'm producing.

I look back on the past and laugh sometimes, as when i first entered Cegep, it was to go into Illustration/Design. This was..oh..4 years ago now. and a failed attempt [I left my "portfolio" till the night before, and wasn't at all surprised when i saw the 'we regret to inform you' paper.] a DEC in cinema/communications [which i can combine with my engineering to be eventually my own commercial buisness] and a pseudo-DEC so far in Civil Engineering, i can say that Academically my life has taken many twists and turns.

But that is one of the good things that I do like about the Cegep system. If i'm going to twist and turn, unable to decide what I want to do with my life, i want to do it when my school fee's per semester are 101$ + books instead of in the 1k's+books.

It seems like, so far, life has dwindeled to a series of ups and downs consisting majorly of events and non-events. Work and Down time, Game and waiting, School and vacation. I find myself, sometimes, lost in this endless cycle, wanting to break free of it, but knowing that in time it will come. I don't however, want to wait forever. Ironically it was something Mike [A friend of mine] said to me today that made me feel this way. Upon his half-a-year return from Australia, a few words departed to me upon a question. "How is it to be back?" and the response, "It's still..sinking in. I mean things were so...routine almost, that It was good to get out on my own, it came at a time when i really needed it." I'm not saying I need this now...but...It just...made me think, as often sometimes things people say make me do.

On another note about the cycles of life, i sense, somewhere inside, the climate of typical everday mediocraty is changing. the north wind is mixing with the south, and the supercell's of change are whirrling and forming. Change is on the horizon, not drastic or anything like that, maybe my metaphor is blowing things a little out of proportions. But a change from routine is coming...and...i'm welcoming it, if not..a slight bit hesitantly.

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