From one of the many...

Sep 13, 2006 18:50

I'm going to put this here so that i can foward anyone who asks me "what happened." they can read this, because that way i won't have to type the same message all over again. :p

So far I'm dealing well, pretty cool...I shall now lapse into the tale of what happened.

Scourge, Myself, Jeff, and Luc are in the club talking at around 1:30 pm...Enter two students looking a little flustered and on cell phones. Now Jeff and I think nothing much of it, and continue with our conversation, then after a moment, i ask. "Something the matter?" as tears are not normally a good thing.

"There's shooting in the Atrium." The news didn't really seem to phase myself, or Jeff at the moment, we thought it was a joke, till people barreled in, and said the same thing. So we locked the door and crammed ourselves into the back of sci-fi. about 20 people now crammed into this room, three crying, Myself and Jeff do our best to keep people calm, and that we'll sit here and wait for the police.

After about an hour, we get a hold of the cops on a cell phone, they're setting up an evacuation line for us, and when the cops come, we're clear to leave.

As we exit the room, two cops both with pistoles drawn start direcing us down the hallway, Jeff and I try to stay with some of the more upset people to keep telling them that things will be allright, and keep them consolidated. Now that was working fine till we hit the atrium. Bullet holes ripped in the walls was a first disheartener for the newley calmed. Cops all over the place with flack jackets, shileds and full SWAT gear was a second, i seemed to be the only one who noticed the sniper riffle on the floor. But what threw most of them into tears again, was the large pool of blood on the floor we stepped over, along with the subsequent tell tale signs of same bloody boody being dragged all the way down a hall, with pieces of stuff here and there.

At this point in time, efforts to calm again became futile, so we just ran beside them to make sure all went okay, and we stayed with people we knew till we hit the metro. Once there, knees a little shakey, I attempted to re-orient myself to what went on, as the images were still pretty fresh in my mind. But once again, we were ushered to Alexis Neon, and then told to "run" out to St. Catherine street.

Once there, Jeff, Luc, Myself, and others we knew met up with Cowboy Jon, Caspien, and subsequent other groups of people. We branched off, Jon, Jeff, Luc and myself all went to Daves house to cool down.

All in all, not the day of school i thought it was going to be..

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