Nov 26, 2006 08:47
I don't want to do one of those "im never using livejournal again" type speeches but i think i just need to get rid of it..its caused me trouble on my job..and now..well at least today it stressed the hell out of me, not knowing whats going on and things i dont know, or should know, or shouldnt know, but should kinda know, its too much, I really have a problem with not knowing something, and even harder time knowing something, if that makes since..sometimes id rahter not know anything..not even a clue, live in denial, i dumb? am i childish? yes..very much..but in the end...i sleep better at night. my heart hurts right now, my brain hurts..... im upset..torn, because i dont know whats going on and I probably don't want to know and should know....this journal probably doesnt make any sense...but its not good..livejournal isnt good. If it was good id be sleeping right now and my chest wouldnt be hurting. and i don't know why people have the power to upset me so...its not good, its not healthy.