So I'm sure everybodys tired of seeing this thing, but I figured I'd share this laugh. In these pictures you can see the orange colour alot better. Since nathan kept on joking he was going to put a Dixie Flag on there and make it the "General Lee" (see Dukes of Hazard) he actually decided to do it. I actually went to go pick up some lunch for everybody and when I got back there was a cloth sitting over my guitar. My initial reaction was "k - who thinks they're going to be eating on top of my guitar?" And I couldn't figure out why Richard Newton was video recording me. So I pick up this cloth and zumg its a General Lee. I pretty much busted out laughing at it even though Mr. Nathan was worried that I was going to be upset about it. btw - Didn't stick with it; we went back to white. Unfortunately I wanted to play that guitar later that night at a gigs but didn't get to because it wasn't in one piece.
This here is actually that Nathan guy for those who have never met him. This is a rather.. a more interesting picture that I was able to capture.
Apparently everybody went out last night - I hooked up with Paul, Nick, and Edward. First thing we were interested in doing was heading over to BestBuy to see if they had Wii's (And wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) They didn't have any but we did find this computer.
It looks like a perfectly normal computer until you actually read its specs for RAM
I LoL'ed. I had no idea I was so behind the times when it came to RAMage.
We also snuck out to TGIFridays where they had the pre-game show to Saddam's hanging going on one of the TV's. That was a rather.. interesting thing to happen. I felt so old fashion back in the days with the hangings and stuff. And then we went to go see CASINO ROYALE!! (again) because that movie roxorz my boxorz.