What we behold we become

Sep 01, 2006 13:07

So I completely re-did my entire livejournal, huge overhaul on everything. I was trying to do some sort of orangy theme a couple of nights ago and then I wanted to see what happened if I switched styles and it went back to that ugly-arse default and I was like "eww" so I took that chance to go through everything. Crafty. Check it out yo.

As for my last blog, maybe a little clarification is in order. I won't bore you with stuff that wouldn't make sense to you, just take this and interpret as much as you can. Basically there was a big mix up down at the office of Howren in Charlotte and I was supposed to switch out a baritone sax for an alto sax. However I got stuck with an stressed out customer for an hour trying to figure out what the situation was. Eventually we got a temporary solution and I followed my directions exactly from the main office. Which apparently was not what was I supposed to do and ended up having to deal with a certain anonymous owner as he called down to our store to chew me out about 10 times because of an error that occured long before I started working there and also for following the instructions I was given by our main office. It was not fun by any means. Other than that you know I <3 my job. Sometimes when someone gets on the phone we make it our business to try and make that person laugh. Sometimes events unfold nicely and need no encouragement though. Anytime a customer ask you if you have any g-strings you know you're in trouble. Especially when you have to go back and ask her what size (for her violin.)

Guess who got a job. Thats right its Paul!

<--Actual Paul

Paul started working last Tuesday at the BlockBuster on 29 next to the Foodlion (Pitts school and 29) you know that one. He's using his highly advanced gamer knowledge as well as moderate film knowledge to rake in the big dough. And by big dough I mean part time dough. Although he did have pretty good hours this week. I think its great for him. He's getting some time out of the house, it gives him something to do, and he's making extra cash. Go Paul!

That Tuesday I picked him up after his first day of work and we got some chinese food and watched Goblet of Fire. (Paul hadn't seen it yet) Also since me and Paul backed up our files onto his port-a-blay harddrive we grabbed some of each others pictures and music. Paul took the liberty to listen to some MuteMath and Earthsuit. Loves all the MuteMath. Earthsuit - the first song he listened to was "Fearless Torch". A 'rarity' off of their Earthsuit EP. And he was all wigged out by it. But then I explained a little bit and told him to listen to "One Time" and now he's obsessed with that song. Isn't that awesome?

Lately Listening:

Relient K (rarities collection)
U2 - All that you can't leave behind
Toby Mac
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