Directions: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
lilacwire 1. Drawing! Understandable. I'm an aspiring comic book artist and it's really the one thing I love doing that really just makes the world disappear. Side note: 1 out of 2 people who find out I draw ask me to design tattoos.
2. Humor I am in love with the funny. Really, if there is an option between saying something sane/relevant and saying something funny, I'm probably going funny. To say this has been an issue with some (most) people is an understatement. Like saying Paris Hilton is kind of slutty level understatement...
3. WoW Ah, World of Warcraft. It's like someone decided to get me addicted to crack by wrapping it up in violence, pretty cartoonish imagery, and a chat feature. I've since weened myself off the WoW, but it certainly stays poised in the background, waiting for the day when I decide to get back into. My warrior waits for me somewhere in Northrend, longingly watching the hordes of enemies pass by that he will crush in the months to come.
4. Video-making Youtube? You watch those? *shudder* Let's say that it's not exactly my best side coming out there. There is something inherently maddening about trying to be funny or engaging while speaking at a camera. I tend to be more with the witty when there is someone to bounce off of as opposed to the unblinking eye of my digital camera...shiny, judgmental eye that sees into my soul...
5. XANDER My fictional twin. I might as well be Xander. Tons of random comparisons to be made. Xander's real name=Alexander Harris, mine=Anthony Harris. I have the same birthday as Nicholas Brendon, the actor who played Xander, April 12th. Pretty much since the first episode of Buffy I've been watching Xander say what I want to say, or something disturbingly close, and loving it. My love life isn't *quite* as horrific as his, but I think that's only because I don't live on a Hellmouth. I've always been the Xander/Chandler of any group I'm in. Besides old people who can't work a remote/make my life a living hell, my "Xandler" nature is the bane of my existence.
Anyway, if you want to see me answer your five, I'll cheat a bit and let you write em in the comments below.