Box Office Preview: Can the box office weekend get any s-l-o-w-e-r? At this rate, things may get exciting in about 2009. Granted, the final weekends in August are always slow and boring, and this weekend will prove to be accurate, since it is a three-day weekend, thanks to Monday being Labor Day. (That means that will be no update until then, folks.) When all is said and done, I'm predicting the
Nicolas Cage remake
The Wicker Man to take the top spot with an estimated $14 million. Sure, it's not a huge haul, but it will be enough to grab the top spot. Falling around 20%,
Invincible will find its place in spot number two, with a respectable $13 million in its second weekend. The other new release,
Crank, will take the third spot, with a gross of $11 million, although it may do better given its large rollout in over 2,500 theaters.
Little Miss Sunshine will drop a spot, but still hangs in the top 5 in fourth place with $9.5 million, while
Crossover (has anyone even heard of this thing) may come in fifth place with $8 million. Again, "Cross"-what? Where was the previews for this thing? Anyone???
TV Watch "Big Brother: All-Stars": It's time like these that make me proud to be a fan of the
Big Brother: All-Stars household and its many zany inhabitants. Where else could you find a blonde stunner (
Janelle) who can win a Veto competiton when it really counts (and in a record-setting 1 minute's time); or what about a conniving, back-stabbing plastic surgeon/dermatologist (
Dr. Will) who is turning one player against the other with nary a look of concern from anyone in the house; or, for the love of
Doogie Howser fans everywhere,
Neil Patrick Harris can come strolling through the front door and play on an outdoor trampoline? Yes, I'm proud to be a fan of this show. However, it's not all lovely flowers and pink wallpaper (nah, that's just
Erika's HoH room). Things started getting mighty ugly within the confines of the house this week, and it all started with Erika nominating Janelle and
Chicken George for eviction, which didn't pan out as planned after Janelle won that darn PoV again. (Don't get me wrong, the girl is good, but could she just lose every once and a while? Wait, what am I talking about? Go Janelle!) Erika sided with Chill Town over her friendship with
Danielle, and untimately put her up on the block aside Chicken George. As tonight's Live episode started, two things quickly occured to me: 1) The week's events (incluiding HoH, PoV and a live eviction) would all take place within the hour, meaning that 168 hours of game play could be crammed in an hour show, and 2)
Julie Chen looks busted in black. But, enough about that. It should come as surprise to no one that Danielle was the first to exit the house this week, in a unanimous vote. Immediately following was the HoH competition, which Janelle easily won. As HoH, she had to quickly nominate 2 players for eviction. Again, no surprsie that she kept Chill Town safe and put Erika and George on the block. But, it wouldn't last for long since Erika won the Veto competition called "Knots About You", which had the players untangling massive knots from an even bigger piece of rope. After Erika used the Veto, Janelle had no choice but to put up George (again). With only Erika and Will voting, he never really stood a chance. In another unanimous vote, Danielle got some company on the trip to the sequester house. Phew. The events of this episode made me dizzy. Talk about things being in overdrive. Wait until Tuesday, with another live espidoe and another evicted houseguest. Responsible for plotting each of the last few evictions, Chill Town is still calling all the shots. The final four is their dream come true: double date of “showmances.” As long as Will keeps Janelle focused on getting rid of Erika, and
Mike "Boogie" keeps Erika aiming for Janelle, they’re set up nicely for a potential “Chill Town” victory. But, if they do make the Final Two, who would win: Mike "Boogie" or Will? And who would they rather have in the final three?: Erika or Janelle? (C'mon, every Beatle needs a Yoko, ya know?!) Knock them all you want, Chill Town has totally decimated this house. As much as I hate to admit it, I think they got this game all wrapped up. What do you think? Is Chill Town going to win? What about Janelle and Erika? And did George look ridiculous in that outfit or what? Post it after the jump.
'Wonder Woman': Is Kat McPhee a McPhrontrunner? Hey, it could happen. I mean stranger things in Hollywood have come to fruition. Now comes the news that
Katharine McPhee, who finished behind
Taylor Hicks in last season's
American Idol, is being considered for the big-screen version of
Wonder Woman, which has been trying to get off the ground almost as long as Katharine has tried to go without an illness. The movie will be directed by
Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator
Joss Whedon and produced by
Joel Silver. A screenplay is expected to be completed by year's end. (Other names being tossed about include
Kate Beckinsale,
Bryce Dallas Howard,
Sandra Bullock, Eliza Dushku,
Rebecca Romijn, and
Jessica Biel.) I have absolutely no knowledge of Ms. McPhee's acting ability, so I'll simply say this: If picked, she will be the closest thing we'll ever have to a democratically elected Wonder Woman.
"Lost": Spot the spoilers!: Imagine the blue oceans hitting the sandy shore as the sun sets overhead. It sounds like a great vacation in Hawaii, right? Well, that's what it may seem like, but what if you were walking along a beach there and stumbled across the set of TV's biggest hit? (Of course we're talking
Lost here.) A few college students did just that while enjoying some sun in the vicinity where "Lost"shoots in Hawaii. The students found tents, a cage (?), racks of Dharma branded food, cans and toilet paper (which I hope they ‘borrowed’), among many other things. Thankfully (?), they documented their trespassing and are sharing the
complete photo set on Flickr for us land-locked Lost fans to enjoy. Ch-ch-check it out!
Until next time, Peace out!