Do you have bloodtype O?

Jun 04, 2020 08:15

Congratulations, you have 30% less risk of getting a serious lung problem if you get ingected by the COVID virus.

Those of us with A or AB, though, should probably be a bit more careful these days...

This is according to research that has been fast-tracked at the Norwegian Center of PSC research(NoPSC).
They and German researchers got blood samples from 2000 patients in Italy and Spain mostly, and with extra research money(they called the up the man behind the Canica holding company that's a major contributor to their PSC research and asked if they could redirect some of their funding for this research. He gave them a resounding 'No', then a 'how much do you need for this research?' ), they managed to get the samples sequenced and analyzed quickly.

They also found two genes that may influence how the virus invades our cells, and which may help exlain why some gets so sick while others barely show symptoms. They hope to use this to find alternative medications.
It also means that the current medications used may in some cases have made things worse.
(This will take a lot more research to decide, though)
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