Today I left school at the perfect time, which was quarter to four. This has, really fairly improbable for a whole bunch of reasons: my school officially ends at four; I have a lesson until four on a Thursday; I am not predisposed to skive gratuitously; I am even less disposed to skive off English lessons. It becomes somewhat less surprising
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Well, if Google & its results are to be trusted (which I for one say they are, for the most part), then I, for one fully support chromachronology. Anyway, history is more interesting, and after sitting through a graphic description of guinea worm at church yesterday, I am fully inclined to say that you are indeed right and no matter the scientific facts, any foray into unnatural skin shades is going to be far from aesthetically pleasing and even more difficult to match one's clothing with, no matter how many scarves one possesses.
Thank you! My Algy plays music both accurately and with wonderful expression, which is quite a good thing, and I am very fond of him. I don't even know what an iRiver is, but at least you know what & where the Tigris is. You could always dub its successor Volga, or even Danube (I do feel that one could really only listen to very specific types of music on anything named Volga).
(I think it's seven if I don't count myself, and the same person plays the different butlers. That would actually be really fun. The last time I was in a proper play (i.e. one that was not an odd church one), I was the Wicked Witch of the West. I did play a Senator's press secretary in a final presentation for my Campaigns & Elections course, but I don't think that counts any more than the time I played Mary in a modern-day adaptation of the Christmas Story.)
I didn't get biscuits or tea; I got disgusting store-bought orange juice and a doughnut or something. I envy you. (I quite agree. I drink coffee more often, but tea is one of my comfort foods (yes, it's a food because I can replace a meal with it -nods convincingly-). And that is a religion I could get behind. It is too bad Jesus wasn't British, then we might be taking communion with tea instead of wine (or faux-wine aka grape juice) (bother me not with historical accuracy). (This is why I shouldn't leave comments when I've been up since five am; I ramble and say odd things and blaspheme, apparently. :P) (Also, I have been meaning to ask; what kind of kitkats does one use to drink tea through?)
Kitkats instead of bread! Or matzo. Or what-have-ye. You are brilliant. (Or possibly I just need to drink some tea and have a bite to eat.)
...Well, I should just not tell him. Or... something. -sighs- I suppose I shall just have to find something that suits him better. Still, that one's pretty. -pets it-
And eee, iconsquee!
Guinea worm at church? Do I want to know? :P And the history isn't so wonderful - British policy towards Germany 1933-6 and king's effectiveness as a leader 1955-63, neither of which are scintilating essays, really. Give me cake or death Philosophy or English any day... :P
An iRiver is a big, ugly mp3-player - in my case it's huge, black, buttoned and slablike, a little like a remote control with a screen and different buttons that's about the side of a hand and has a microphone, so not actually anything like a remote control at all but rather large nonetheless. I have a terrible feeling that I'd be somewhat horribly tempted to call a replacement Isis, but that would not only be pretentious but also possibly backfire upon me in a highly upsetting way, ho hum. :D And Volga does sound a bit. Well. Yes.
(:D The last time I did a play I was Bennett in a massively truncated version of Another Country that I performed at school a couple of years ago, which involved being smug and casually lecherous in an abstract manner, pretending to be ve'y, ve'y drunk, practising falling over a chair an awful lot (in rehearsal, I mean), being very angry and very despondent and making speeches to and placing hats on a rather fantastic bust of Lenin that our set-man made from polystyrene. Looking at that link I have discovered that the play was not at all about what I thought it was about and that the movie takes certain liberties after the end of the play - which makes me a little angry, because Bennett is not supposed to find a cause, even a broken one, because he's Stephen Fry but born too early and buying into the great game for a just little bit too long (although I do rather like the thing with Judd and the Spanish Civil War; poor Judd). Erm. Ahem. I need to read the script again and then find that film and watch it. Erm. And I was Santa Claus, once... :P)
I only got tea this time - they don't let the first time donors have hot drinks in case they die or something I think, but us veterans get tea. :p Tea isn't a comfort food as such (and you shouldn't use tea to replace meals, really, as wonderful as it is - liquid lunches usually involve an entirely different traditional British beverage). Jesus may not have been British, but God is certainly an Englishman. Everyone knows. (And I shouldn't do similar because I begin to get even more convoluted and verbose than I generally am, which to be honest is a little terrifying.) (And I drank tea through a Kitkat for the first time using a dark chocolate Kitkat, but i believe that any species will do, although orange and mint are probably best avoided, I'd imagine.)
Why not both? All three, even. :D you reckon you could get one with a waistcoat and a hat? :D
Probably not (but I will tell you anyway!). Basically, the church I attend is attempting to discourage consumerism and is therefore encouraging people to spend a bit less and give the remainder of what would have been spent, which will be donated to a variety of different organisations; one of of which is an organisation that builds wells in Africa. So a bloke came on Sunday and talked about the wells that were built last year and how the villages that got them were changed, and I guess in this one village, their water source before the well was a swamp, so everyone had guinea worm, which he proceeded to describe in graphic detail.
Ahh. It sounds... interesting. (I suppose I could have googled to find out what that was, but oh well. :P) At the very least, it sounds nicer than the old portable CD player I used to cart around, because, you know, I also had to cart the CDs.
(Oh, that sounds so interesting! I really must read the play and see the film now, because although you had me at Stephen Fry Born Too Early, Rupert Everett! And Colin Firth! (And I will stop with the exclamation points now.) I was going to remark that Santa Claus might be more undignified than a modernised Virgin Mary, but then I remembered that I was a cheerleader. I worked in a bagel shop. Joseph was captain of the football team. And I had to pretend to give birth. -hides in embarassment-)
If I were going to die, I'd think I'd like to do it sipping tea, so really, that's very cruel of them. :P Well, I am American, so I get to ruin all your British traditions and make tea a comfort food and replace meals with it, so HA. (Since I'm Polish by blood, would you approve vodka as a liquid lunch? :D)) (Well, I really was wondering if you used the regular kitkats or perhaps one of those larger ones, but now you've made me sad because dark chocolate kitkats are difficult to come by here and I miss them (and Lions. especially white chocolate Lions; I think I lived on those for about a week after the market near my flat in Krakow started selling them). And orange & mint kitkats? I know nothing of these.)
...I think if I could get a skin like that, I might die of the joy. How splendid would that be??
Ooh, lovely. :D (And entirely off topic but vaguely related to interesting colours as a result of misadventure, bits of my right arm are currently not only indigo through to violet with a stop-over in magenta but also red, yellow, and green. :D This is why one should never get oneself shut in a car door... :P)
CD players (like my Oscar :D &hearts) do have one advantage over mp3 players in that you can buy a CD in town and then listen to it on your way home, which is awesome - but otherwise, yeah, not so good... :P
(It is really rather wonderful, although I still think that the Wiki article is about all the wrong things and it is really rather funny. (Oddly, most of the lines that I can remember are from a section of a scene that we didn't even do in the end, but then again it was an awesom estory. *snickers* Oh, Bennet, you snarky, snarky boy...
Um. There's not much I can really say to top that, no. :P Although I should point out that the Santa Claus job was when I was about four, and Mrs Claus was about twice my height and rather bossy, and I bumped into her last summer after not having seen her for almost a decade and she knew who I was...
Also, I was in Treasure Island... the Panto! at school, which was great fun. Israel Hands and Bodmin (the butler). *nods, solemnly* Fun times, fun times... :D)
I think I've decided that I want to die of spontaneous combustion, because it would leave interesting obituaries. That could certainly occur whilst sipping tea, though. :DD (I'm not sure I'd exactly approve of it, but if I forget the fact that I think that cultural relativism is a load of bull I can say that it's ethnic and therefore really cool. :P:DDD) (I don't think the dark chocolateness of the kitkat is that crucial, to be honest, and the only time I've ever had one was with purplefringe anyway. And I've never ever had a white chocolate Lion. I don't really rate the mint or orange kitkats much (and mint & orange kitkats just sounds really bizarre) but the cappuccino ones are actually to die for. Srsly.
...I think that would not be very splendid at all. In case you've forgotten, if you died of joy then you'd be dead... :P
Whyever did you allow yourself to get shut in a car door? 'Twas very foolish of you. (Not that I am one to speak, as I have, on multiple occasions, smacked myself in the face with doors that I was opening.) Really though, I do hope you're all right; I'm fairly certain green is never an ideal colour for one's extremities.
This is true, although I rarely buy CDs anymore as they are more expensive than simply buying albums off iTunes.
(I often feel that way when reading analyses or summaries of things, which is why I spent half my time in uni courses distressed over the fact that I was apparently missing things that were vitally important. But that is another story.)
Spontaneous combustion is very much an interesting way to die, and has the additional benefit of probably being relatively painless. (Cultural relativism makes my head hurt.) (Oh, no, I didn't think it was crucial; it is only a tragedy because I prefer dark chocolate. The darker the better. If you find a white chocolate Lion, you must try one; they are heavenly. And see, now you're just trying to make me jealous. :P (We finally got cappuccino Ritter Sport over here last year, and I was tempted to buy about a hundred in case they disappeared.
No, no, that is not what I meant at all; it is the skin that would be splendid, as I daresay you know very well. Obviously my death would cause worldwide mourning and distress the likes of which could rival... something else that is comparable. -refuses to reference Robbie Williams- :D
(But how can you not see that Prufrock is actually all about the clash between capitalism and communism? It's all there in front of your eyes! &c?)
Well, it's probably really actually very painful, but thankfully rather briefly, unlike other things which linger. Yuck. (And cultural relativism is rubbish - but it gets really sticky when you start to call it multiculturalism instead and then run it up against silly little things like human rights. :D) (I did try an eggnogg latte the other day, actually - the experience will be written up in the long eljay update of Doom at some point, but the short story is that it was tasty :D) And, Ritter Sport?
The Queen Mother's? Diana's, maybe?
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