I thought you ought to know these things

May 21, 2007 22:47

My last entry was somewhat truncated; for a variety of reasons, and the main one of these was time management. Due to unexpected developements, the globule of my evening that I had mentally allocated to writing my journal was partially subsumed by writing a Tempest essay and some Ethics, because they in turn were stolen by something else ( Read more... )

alcohol, garden, bismarck pwwwns j00, travel, shakespeare, liz, time, aren't i interesting?, sarah, weatherheads, friends, oxford, drama, medical parents, exams, theology, impromptu barbecue, crazy conversations, audience participation, poetry, alexei

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pleezpleezme May 22 2007, 14:12:14 UTC
"I'd heard of Camden from two seperate sources"
his fame spreads...
in an interesting twist of fate, I feel compelled to inform you that the Dave's Tasty Bites van is the second junk-food transporting agent I've seen housed in somebody's driveway- walking back to Bricket Wood from the Garston cinema, we hit upon an ice-cream van parked inside a padlocked driveway. who tried to climb over the wall and break in? Matt-from-Radlett, who I know simply as Matt.
alright it's not that interesting.
*shudders* people ended up drinking the Captain Morgan's and lemonade as a forfeit in the drinking game we ended up playing... so foul.
thankyou for coming at such short notice, it was fab to see you, wish you could have stayed longer though :)


anthon1 May 23 2007, 14:46:08 UTC
Well, I heard of him from you and from a certain Mr Freeman, in passing... :P

How exactly did you come to know Matt-from Radlett who you know simply as Matt? I'm curious. :D And I still protest that it wasn't that bad... :P

Thank you for inviting me! :D Your friends are very cool, even if I can't remember any of their names (or rather, can't remember whose faces are attatched to them, apart from Anna and Camden and Matt and Cat and Flo, all of whom I get to cheat on remembering because they're easy...). :D


pleezpleezme May 23 2007, 18:17:20 UTC
oh God yes, that whole thing... bless him, Camden got a bit scared. please never tell him I said that.
originally it was because his friend Tom went out with my friend Lauren, I met him for the first time at a party some time ago and now we're drinking buddies :)
oh who could forget Anna! don't worry I'm sure you'll encounter them at later dates, and Matt's got to be one of the worst people with names in the world, so they're all used to it :p


anthon1 May 23 2007, 18:27:47 UTC
Heh. Chris is a big softie, really. But then I have a suspicion that really most people are... :P or maybe it's just me and Dave...

:D Matt amuses me. He and Ashely know one another too, oddly...

(Also; do you fancy coming to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 on Friday? :D)


pleezpleezme May 23 2007, 18:32:04 UTC
I agree!
yeah, he's mentioned him a couple of times I think.
:( :( I'd love to but I'm going to a boat party on the Thames! first and last time in my life I'm ever going to be able to say that I think. unless it's in the afternoon in which case it may well be possible?


anthon1 May 23 2007, 18:54:19 UTC
Providing we get the tickets we're catching the two-thirty showing at Hatfield. :DDDD

(And boat parties are always awesome; yours will probably be far cooler than the one I went to, though... :D)


pleezpleezme May 23 2007, 18:56:46 UTC
sounds great, let me know if you get the tickets and how much I owe you :D


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