Surreal moments

Apr 04, 2007 04:05

Surreal moment of the day: sitting at the computer desk at half past one in the morning eljaying and talking to my parents who couldn't sleep and wandered downstairs independantly, having parallel conversations with me and occaisionally glancing at what I was doing. This lead to this:

Dad: 'What's necromancy?'
Mum:: 'It's something very nasty, isn't it?'
Me: 'No, that's necrophelia.'
Mum: 'Ah, yes. That's true. But it's something to do with dead people anyway, isn't it?'

This in turn led to me explaining that my journal title was a line from a poem that I had written which I hadn't shown them because I thought they wouldn't get any of it, and that zombie attacks were actually a type of hack and that it had sort of grown organically in my brain like a strange sort of mushroom, and they were curious so I printed it off for them, and they suprised me by rather liking it. My dad said things like 'McDonald's virus? Heh heh heh.' and said something silly about Private Eye to which I replied that they probably wouldn't get the jokes and that anyway they probably didn't publish poetry and etc, and mum said things like 'Anthony, either you're very very quirky or mad' and 'Sometimes I feel that you live in a parallel universe' and 'What does pwwned mean?'. As I said: surreal.

(I'm the one with royally messed up sleep patterns again because it's the holidays, and because therefore I stay up clearing my backlog of comments to make and retroactively tagging my journal entries.)

The second most surreal moment involved the park, the dark, the moon, the night, the cold and walking directly in front of people with intent to decieve, but we won't mention that.

I've had a really lovely day hanging around with meine_kleine and stripyglove and Helen and Lucia and James and bumping into locowerewolf and nosesaretasty and other!Rachel in the bookshop and taking a photo of the most unselfconsciously metafictionally amusing cover of a book that I have ever laid eyes on (now that's a word I'd love to see in German) and playing Risk (also with James) and being Lokiish and falling off the sofa and eating KFC and other things. I like the holidays a lot.

As this post seems to be a jumbled mass of oddities anyway, I think I shall repost a message that I just sent to Sa a friend on Facebook:

' It probably is, actually - it would certainly cure obesity, if practised with sufficient regularity, and it would provide a long-term solution to the spread of AIDS and famine and overpopulation, which in turn could lead to a reduction in carbon emissions, although by the time it had an effect the damage would probably be done...

That said, it's better than chocolate, which cures most things but is a bugger for those with diabetes and is not exactly helpful with obesity, although it does deliver similar endorphins to sex according to Hotel Chocolat...

...I think I think things through too much, sometimes.'

This is, I believe, ample evidence of why it is ever-so-slightly dangerous to say things like 'safe sex. thats the answer to, lets face it, ALL of life's problems :D' when I am in that frame of mind in which I pick things up and run with them wherever they lead me. Good fun, though...

I shall also publically mention, for faeriemaiden's benefit (and because it gives me the excuse, naturally) that I once had a conversation in which the concept of faking one's own death with a polar bear was discussed at great length. And yes, meine_kleine, I did use that last phrase intentionally... ;-\

I think I'll go to sleep now.

parents, being lokiish, anecdotes, rose, surreal moment of the day, using polar bears to fake death, risk, sex, neil gaiman references are love, sleep, rachel, necrowhatsit, zombies, panaceas, family, fi, alison, innuendo, poetry, chocolate

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