Corrections and errata

Mar 03, 2007 00:50

 - Y?
- Z.
-But Y?

For J.D.S

What does it mean? It doesn’t. You can ask
of something Why? to an extent, until
causality twists up/upon/inside
itself/into a knot of infinites
& voids & parabollically repeats
itself out on the other side (of what?
existence) but asking what it means does
not compute. A painting is a portrait
of perspective, poetry is pictures
in a thousand words and music is the
motion of innumerable items
until an entropic apocalypse:
the amateur philosophy just makes
a thing not what it is. Why must it mean?
It is.

rose, huge run-on sentances, hume!, phoebe, the meaning of life, lectures, paul, writing, innumeracy 102, symbols!, books in 2007, prefecture, philosophy, alison, granny, helen, poetry

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