It's mine, all mine...

Feb 01, 2007 23:44

My parents have now gone to bed; it will be the last time I see them until Monday. They are leaving the house for Nice tomorrow at five o'clock in the morning, and Lil Sis is being farmed off to a friend's, and I am being left at home.

Despite all of mum's posturings of thinking that she'd get me to stay with a friend for the weekend, it was never going to happen; whilst she's given in on that, at least, she has left me a huge list of phone numbers 'just in case I need them' of people who know that they're away and won't mind me phoning if I burn down the house or somehow manage to accidentally amputate both of my legs or if the boiler breaks. My parents are really rather silly some times.

That said, it does have a positive side other than me having sole occupancy of the house for two days; she has left me lots of nice food and given me a free reign to use any of her lovely M&S vouchers that she was given over the weekend. If the weather stays like it is, I may very well have a picnic in the park...

In other news, I have spent all evening making icons, which I hopefully may now use. Whoever made USB sticks deserves a medal; Curdle has been doing far too many extra miles in his role as a network-cable impersonator. Whilst on the topic of technology with silly names, I really need to get Tigris fixed, and this morning Oscar had a little bit of a tantrum and refused to work unless he was perpendicular to my body, which was somewhat inconvenient; I presume that this was triggered by being forced to pass from his best friend The Black Parade, and that his cooperation in the afternoon was a demonstration of his growing maturity. Or maybe I'm just taking this whole anthropomorphication thing a little bit too far...

Also, this is the oddest news article I've seen since the one that inspired this...

(Also: wanderlight, does this one count? :-P)

parents, oscar, anthropomorphication is a real word, tigris, icons, gip, curdle, life events

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