Top Banana!

May 25, 2005 21:14

Somewhat overworked - three exams tomorrow, one of which happens to be Biology. Nicht gut...

The others are German and RS. Reasons and details and personal pronouns (and a reply, in Deutsch to the wonderful cynthia_black ) and promised writings at some point in the future. Hopefully.

Until then, you're stuck with a meme...

First, write down the names of twenty people you know. Then read and answer the questions.

You can't look at the questions (or click on the cut) until you write down the twenty names you're going to use.





















Is #9 a boy or a girl? Girl
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? I honestly can’t see them together at all - which is odd. At least K won’t have an excuse…
How about #18 and #4? Nah…
What grade is #17 in? Homeschool - which doesn’t mean she’s not in a grade, but it gives me an excuse to use rather than my ignorance of Americanisms… I think she’d be a Year 10, though…
When was the last time you talked to #12? Communicated? Today. Spoke in person? That would be Sunday, lots and lots and lots… :D
What is #6's favorite band? The Who, at a guess…
Does #1 have any siblings? Yes. She does indeed.
Would you ever date #3? She likes pink too much, and is probably too old for me. ;) That said, she does have a very cute voice… :p (But no. Probably not…)
Would you ever date #7? No. Definitely not. Not only do I not date males, but I have discovered, sadly, that such long distance relationships are damn hard; anyways, he’s SSSFL…
Is #16 single? Nope. That is one I can be sure of…
What's #15's last name? Ich habe keine Ahnung…
What's #10's middle name? Absolutely no idea.
What's #5's favorite thing to do? Something involving the internet. And probably pilots, too… Or Rping. Or just being crazy…
Is #13 hot? I think I shall do the English thing here and comment on the weather… :p
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? Dunno, really…
What school does #20 go to? I think she’s gradutated… :D
Tell me a random fact about #11: She likes chocolate
And #1: The first time I evertalked to her, a story with rather questionable content was mentioned. If I say anything more, both other people involved will kill me. :D
And #3: She has a good taste in books
Have you ever had a crush on #15? Thought she was cool, but no.
Where does #9 live? Tex, I think…
What's #4 favorite color? I have to apoplogise and say I have absolutely no idea, and I’m sure it’s been mentioned…
Would you makeout with #14? Right now? No. And we’ve never met…
Are #5 & #6 best friends? I don’t think that djcati   and elenathehun   have really had much to do with each other, despite being acquaintances of both myself and a certain nefarious Ewok…
Does #7 like #20? I don’t think they’d have that much in common if they knew one another, really…
Does #8 like #19? Again, same
How did you meet #2? We’ve not met in the flesh; but I stumbled into one of Thrawn’s ‘fics by accident what seems several lifetimes ago, and been a sycophantic hanger-on and co-conspirator ever since…
How did you meet #18? I think through ladylisse ’s journal, probably before I even had one of my own and still thought that saying 'b4' was clever…
Does #10 have any pets? I honestly have no idea…
Is #12 older than you? Yup - by eight months and a bit, which means we’re the same age-ish in the real world, but she’s a year ahead of me in the school system, which is, as they say, unfortunate, Wah.
Is # 17 the sexiest person alive, or what? If I lay my hand on my heart, I’d have to say someone else is…

And if you still don't realise who #12 is, then I'm quite disappointed in you... :p

exams, memes, school

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