Spent the weekend reading instead of writing. It was one of those things where I just had to finished the trilogy. Nothing I can really recommend; I finished it mostly to find out how the authors would accomplish what I knew they were going to accomplish. And it felt a lot more like a D&D campaign than a trilogy of novels. The books weren't bad, they were just not my cup of tea. I like urban fantasy and sci-fi and weird little subgenres a lot more than I like Traditional Epic High Fantasy.
I am, however, working on a steampunk short story (I have tried writing steampunk short stories before. This one has come the closest to being worthy of editing). It keeps making severe left turns without warning me--my main character got attacked by sky pirates and then joined the California Lighter Than Air Brigade, and I had no idea that such a thing as the California Lighter Than Air Brigade existed in this world until I wrote it down. There might also be rayguns and wizards.
This short story is seriously a trip, y'all, and I'm not really sure how I'm going to end it. Or edit it. It's behaving a lot more like a novel than a short story, but I have too many other novels to write to want to write this one. So it will be a short story if I have to stuff it into the format like Mary Poppins stuffs a lamp into a carpet bag.
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