So, came down with a crazy mutant cold that won't go away and makes me fuzzy-brained. I am completely unable to edit while sick--it requires too much brainpower. You have to keep track of plot and character and what you're supposed to be fixing and . . . nope, too much.
After my last entry, I poked around my older posts and found an almost identical post about how hard it was to start writing Skywatch. Now, I guess I'll only be able to test this theory when I start writing Sanctuary, but I wonder if the issue is Skywatch itself? For a book that I thought was going to be easy, it's been a bear. Not bad, just difficult. It requires a lot more of my energy per word than The Novel ever did (okay, not ever, but on average it's the same amount of work and Skywatch is half as long. Do the math).
Also, in between getting sick and editing middlegrade steampunk, I have been reading every Miles Vorkosigan book my library has. I'm about to head out to other branches, because these books are awesome. Mind you, most of the ones I've read have been with an older Miles--late twenties and early thirties. The Baen Free Library has Warrior's Apprentice, one of the early Miles books, and I suspect that while I'll like the book I might not like Miles the character as much. I like my heroes a more practical and less impulsive, which from Miles's internal monologue in Komarr is not at all how he behaved. Still, I'm excited to read it, and I really enjoy the combination of genres Bujold handles seemingly effortlessly--adventure, sci-fi, mystery, romance--I sound like a 60s movie preview with less exclamation points. Nevertheless, I like this lady's work and am going to head out to other libraries and track more down.
The best part for library-dependent me is that you don't have to read them in order!
Last bit of news is that I've collected an astonishing number of rejection letters for the two new short stories I started submitting in 2011. Three each so far and the month isn't even half over yet. I think that's kind of impressive. At least it means I'm submitting again!
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