The Girl She Truly Was

Jun 11, 2012 19:35

. . . can be found here (link leads to the DSF page).

I have been remiss!  But also on vacation, and then writing (short stories, yes I know it's not May anymore), and now back at work which means buried under a pile of e-mail.  I got halfway through last week's e-mail today!  Working backward.  And also skipping anything that couldn't be immediately dealt with.  Still progress, I suppose.

It seems to be FINALLY summer here, which makes me happy, even if the nearest pool is still in that phase where it's overrun by kids and teenagers b/c it's the beginning of the summer and they haven't swum for nine months.  I suspect the glamor will wear off in a few weeks, but for now I have to REALLY want it to brave the jumping and splashing and that weird feeling of being a single person going to a small pool when everyone else there is with family or friends.  Awkward much?  Yes.  Keeping me from swimming on weekends?  So far.  I just have to get home from work before the temperature gets too low.  One of these days . . .

And that's about it.  Vacation was awesome and relaxing.  WisCon was The Best, again.  I will be returning next year, barring financial ruin.

Ooh, also, I read some really good YA books!  I will list them here, in case I am too lazy/overworked to come back and review them properly: Cinder by Marissa Meyer, Team Human by Justine Larabalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan, The Five Flavors of Dumb by Anthony John, and a re-read-but-still-awesome, Highway to Hell, By Rosemary Clement-Moore.

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anecdotes, getting published, recommendations: books, my writing: short stories

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