Oct 19, 2006 16:08
Anybody got any ideas for non-Gap Inc. employment? I've had enough. I have a friend who thinks he can get me a job in the customer service department at Nordstroms, but that would probably be much the same bullshit. But at least i'd get to sit down. There's always Starbucks I guess. Actually, I am seriously considering In 'n Out. Those people get paid a hell of a lot more than I do at my stupid job. I just want to get out of the mall before the Christmas season (i.e. the Hellonearth season). I don't want to hate Christmas, I really don't. It's just turned out that way.
Monterey County is actively hiring assistants in the County Coroner's Office. Too bad I'm not graduating like I'm supposed to. This is my plan: next semester take anatomy and then after I graduate find a job either here or there in the Coroner's/Medical Examiner's office. They get paid well. You need a drivers license and a working knowledge of human anatomy. These assistants prepare bodies for and assist the Coroner with autopsies. I've never really had a weak stomach and this at least would have some vague connection with my field. This is how I will spend the year between graduating and grad school. I think I will much prefer working with dead bodies than live people.