I'm dead

Mar 25, 2008 19:50

Sad. Weeping. Angry. Miserable. Mournful. Desperate. Heartbroken. LEG BROKEN. There aren't enough words to describe how I feel right now.

Yesterday's practices were great UNTIL I did a bad landing from a liberty stunt and felt horrible pain in my left leg. I couldn't walk and it hurt SO MUCH! So I left home early. This morning I woke up and I still couldn't stand on my foot. I had to walk with crutches and my leg still hurted.

Today we went to hospital and took x-rays and everything. The judgment is: There is a small fracture in my fibula. And I have to use the crutches for four fucking weeks! No practice and no riding. :( I may not be able to go to the cheercamp next week which I had waited for so long. I'm also missing my tumbling classes and I was just about to learn how to do a back handspring. If I really have to wait that long I'll probably never learn it. :(

I don't mind the pain (I can always eat more pain killers) but the fact that I CAN'T PRACTICE kills me!!! I'm officially dead now.


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