same old shit, I've been here and see this...

Mar 25, 2007 09:43

I went to a meeting last night, one that I asked to go to, not one that I was dragged too. I was watching as it progressed, thinking yep, I know how this goes - the speils familiar, the formats familiar, cue pics here, cue hard hitting get up and go music here, now cue soft dreamie positve music - I've been here before and recognise it so don't bloody well tell me that its all new and "different" - Just because you have different names 'pipelines' and you draw things in a pretty straight line instead of nice little harmonic circles. I know how this works. And I know that this does work. And that made me stop and think. How stupidly cynical I was being. I was there because I wanted to be, because I was hoping that it was just like what I had seen before, because it had something that I wanted and because I know it works. People who I have known all my life are making money from it - not because they are ripping off other people, or because they were sucked into a scam but because they worked hard for it and earnt it. And yeah, they are in a different company called Omegatred but it works exactly the same way as Network 21 - with levels of acheivement, different percentage rates, recommended books and cds, holiday and cash rewards, prestige etc etc. There's nothing wrong with that. There is a reason why so many companies use this format, a reason why they've been around for 30-40 years, a reason I know people who are successful - because it's not a scam and it definitely works - and it annoys me that they try to deny it, tell me it's 'something different' 'something I've never seen before' well, if that's the case, I'm actually probably not interested, I think I'd rather go back to the company I used to be with that I know works, because if your so 'different' maybe you don't work after all.

Anyways, my point, how easy it was for me to be cynical, despite the fact that I was where I wanted to be and getting what I wanted. It seems so ungrateful, wanting something from them, getting it and being attitudie about it. I find it extremely difficult to be excited and open about things to other people, people who are genuinely nice, open ,enthusiastic and happy make me uncomfortable - I just don't know how to relate to them or even how to talk to them - my automatic response is to either want to slow them down with a good old dose of realism or rather cynicism or just get as far away from them as I can. That kind of scares me and upsets me. I like to think that i am a genuine person, that I am honest about things and that I mean what I say - but how can I be if I am uncomfortable with others who are, if I find it so difficult to look people in the eye when they are talking about things they are passionate about and believe in. I don't have much faith in anything, there's nothing that I'm really passionate about - thats just not me. But it's what I want and who I would like to be. I want to be happy and successful and if I'm not always comfortable around people who (don't get me wrong I don't begrudge them anything or dislike them for it) are then clearly I'm the one who has to change something. I have never met anyone who is happy and successful who isn't optimistic and positive - they just go together.

I now see cynicism as a form of fear and fear is one of the reasons why we're having so many problems with our own business. We're scared that if we make a single wrong decision that it will all come tumbling down, that we let everyone that believes in us and trusts us down, people will lose their jobs, we'll lose our home and our parents will lose the money they have invested. Therefore, just in case we make a wrong one, we avoid, as much as possible, actually making any. Then when we do, we make baby ones that should lead us to big ones that will change the way things are happening, however we get scared again and stop halfway through or just go straight back to the way we were doing it originally and lose whatever momentum and money and effort we had actually gotten into putting into it. This has taken it's toll, we spend a lot of time tired, depressed and frustrated. We have things that we want to do and we know how to get them done but we're own worst enemy slapping ourselves down before we actually get anywhere. It becomes difficult to get up in the morning and get motivated about going to work and going through all this stress. We have a fantastic, reasonably successful business which we do nothing but stress about and get scared about. I'ts a vicious cycle and something we need to change. This is one of the reasons why I'm interested in Network 21 - it's not for the airy fairy 'it will set you free - it's so easy - you can do it too' - it's the realistic side - the fact that you need to do something to change your own life, that listening to the advise of others who are successful can only be a good thing, that being around people who are passionate and positve can only be a good thing, that having support from others facing the same battles as you, who want you to succeed and do everything to help you. Yes you need to put effort in to make money in this business but thats ok. The only place I know of where your going to be handed money to sit down and do nothing is centrelink and I don't anyone of their beneficiaries driving bmw's or holidaying in mauritius. Or lotto - everybody knows the money get from lotto goes as fast as it comes and it doesn't come free either. Earning your own money is a good thing. Learning to be successful is a good thing - it means you have a better chance of staying successful.

One of the things that I believe that you need to be around the people that you want to be like. It's almost an osmosis thing, if the people you associate with are positive and have goals it's got to rub off eventually. I know that sounds like a somewhat selfish and parasitical view but If you sit around with stoners all day, then your definitely not going to be a fortune 500 and your not doing them any favours either. Unfortunately to be honest, most days I don't even manage to iron my clothes for work. This may not seem like a big thing, but when your the boss and the employees see that you don't make the effort, then why should they. We have customers who come in and we looking tired and depressed and slightly dishevelled and it's 9.00 in the morning. It's not exactly a corporate or sucessful look. You have to present the image of who and how you want to be perceived as. If you want to be taken seriously then that's the effort you have to make. And so far we don't. Well, I'm sick of being tired and feeling like I'm getting nowhere. I don't want to be a leech and suck other peoples enthusiasm from them but I do want to absorb from them and I do want to help other people and teach other people how to get what they want out of life.

No this isn't a sales pitch that I'm sneakily putting onto all of my friends page because I'm lazy and don't want to do presentations so I'm hoping everyone will read this and sign up and I'll be rich. In fact anyone in N21 probably wouldn't be very impressed with this point of view. But it's not about convincing anyone but me.

I feel like I'm drowning and I need something in my life to change. I guess last night was a turning point for me. I want to do things differently and I think this is the path that I need to take.

Sorry for the erratic rant but I think I'm going to sleep much better tonight.

Oh yea, and I'm gonna be an aunty twice over this year.
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