Dec 17, 2004 08:55 much for straightening Nick out - I think he has twice as many dents and cracks as he used to.
Today is his second court date appearance. Today is the day he gets a second warrant for arrest put out for him.
We found out, thanks to the cops turning up his old work place, that he now has outstanding fines, outstanding speeding tickets in a commercial vehicle, 1 arrest warrant and the charge of ' being armed in public with the intention to menace' which is a somewhat higher charge that the 'concealed weapon' one that we thought he had. He got nabbed at the plaza for stealing (again?) and has another court date today. Which of course he's not going to go to because he skipped the last one and now he's in more shit than ever. oh, and he's leaving the state tomorrow. Smart lad this one.
However, since we kicked him a couple of days after my last post (for turning up at the neighbours house with some of his thug friends, to bash the neighbours kid who happened to be hanging out with us at our place at the time..) and we've only seen/spoken to him once or twice since then - he won't come to the house if he knows Syl and I are home - mostly because I keep ripping into him about the stupid shit he's getting up to - I guess it doesn't really affect us. I'm actually kind of over the whole thing. At one stage I would be heading home and my stomache would start tying in knots, thinking about having to talk to him and Syl and I would go to sleep, stressing about how to help him. Eventually you realise that just because he's 'not a bad person' doesn't mean he won't do bad and stupid shit. And no matter how badly you wanna slap some sense into him, until he figures out that it's his own fault he's getting into trouble, admits responsibility and stops acting like a gutless wonder then nothings gonna help him. Of course, Mum thinks he's being a silly little boy, loves her baby and wants desperately to keep him out of jail because she doesn't want to see him get hurt - which is probably one of the main reasons we didn't call up the cops and tell them when he was at our place while we weren't home.
On a lighter note, G has found herself a toy boy and is blissfully in lust and laughs - which is good to see. Normally when she is with a guy she can't stand having him around for more than a couple of hours - I think this one has been at our place for just over a week now without a break! I think she's been doing a lot of growing up the last couple of months - which in some ways just highlights how much more she's got to do! She's been working almost full time at the shop for almost two months now and I think she's learnt a few life lessons along the way. She still hasn't decided what the hell she wants to do - or done anything about it. One week she wants to get a job with us (so she actually gets paid) the next she's gonna try a locksmith shop at the plaza or city, or a shoe repair shop - this week she wants to work at bunnings because they cut keys and she'll learn all sorts of different stuff man! Of course - she hasn't filled out any applications for any of them, despite having Wednesdays off specifically to job hunt. I think she's fairly happy with the status quo at the moment - she has a bfriend who pays her attention, but doesn't take her shit, friends her own age that she's hanging out with, she's being fed and clothed, has a routine where she goes to work and gets to acheive something, get out of the house and have people tell her what a wonderful job shes doing as oppposed sleeping in, lying around on the couch and occasionally wandering down the local centrelink...Until something rocks the boat or she suddenly gets a massive surge of ambition out of nowhere I think she'll be happy where she is for another couple of months. Of course - whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen. It was never Syl and my intention for it to be a indefinite arrangement - if she wants to get a job with us fine, if not - find something! But at least she's getting out of bed and doing something these days....
The business seems to doing ok so far. Of course, its still been less than three months since we actually started operating and because there was so much cash work that was never recorded before the sale it's gonna take us a while to really get a true idea of what to expect and of course, we've got all the costs of setting up and purchasing to recoup before we start making headway - but things have been busy and despite the best attempts of our lawyers to piss us off and stress us out - things have been relatively smooth! Last night was our staff Chrissie party which didn't go too badly. I expected things to be a little awkward because us 'wives' not really knowing each other or the kids not really wanting to talk to the adults - but everyone got on really well and the night went pretty fast.
And now - the best news -The bike is built and registered! And she's beautiful! It's a yamaha RZ250 thats custom built and painted - it's micha red with lilac pearl over the top and I can't wait to see it in the sunlight - so far I've seen it at night whens its all purple and shimmerie and it's soooo pretty! We've decided to name it Bella - Syl because of Bella Legossi (Who the hell??) and me because of Belladonna - or Deadly Night Shade....
Sometimes I worry that I push Syl too hard - I know he works really hard and some extremely long hours - Ie getting up at 5, leaving at 6, working til 5, going to tafe/class/work out til 9-10 and getting home late...and then working on the bike and being on call at the same time. I know that he's driven but I kind of worry that he's going to go too fast for too long and that when we have kids he won't know how to slow down because we've been pushing the business too hard or whatever. That's one reason why I've been pushing for the bike - and probably will be for the second one that's in the process of being rebuilt - they'll be an excuse to put everything aside for a few hours - go out for a ride, spend time together and not worry about dogs, kids, houses or businesses..
Eh, I think I needed that brain dump - all this crap that's been in my head for the last couple of weeks - I think I just saved Syl at least an hour or two of pain!
Sorry to anyone who reads this post that it's excessively long...but I don't know how to do the cut thing - and I don't know if I can be bothered learning yet - eh if your not interested. Don't read it :)
*hugs to everyone else!*