30 Day Challenge

Apr 25, 2014 18:29

I know I didn't finish the last 30 day challenge I started (last year opps...) but I've been having a writing drought and thought this might get me back into writing. I won't be doing this perfectly (I don't think I've ever finished a 30 day challenge of any sorts o___o) but I will try to finish it. So some days I'll post more than one drabble and other days it'll be empty...like always OTL

using the prompts below, write a drabble (or whatever) a day for the next 30 days. find someone willing to hit you if you miss a day. look back at the end and go ‘oh! i’m a writer!’.

beginning. accusation. restless. snowflake. haze. flame. formal. companion. move. silver. prepared. knowledge. denial. wind. order. thanks. look. summer. transformation. tremble. sunset. mad. thousand. outside. winter. diamond. letters. promise. simple. future.

drabble challenge

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