
Jul 07, 2013 02:59

Title : Coincidence?
Chapter : 1: A new friend
Characters/Pairings : Chansung/Junho
Genre/Ratings : AU, PG-13
Word Count : 760
Note : I've already posted this on my aff account here but I wanted to cross-post to my LJ as well. Enjoy! :D
Summary: When one door closes, another one opens. When one cat leaves, another one returns?

He looked up at him as if he’s the stupidest thing to walk on this green Earth.

“I know, I know you don’t like this flavour but that’s the only one available. Supermarkets don’t have much in their cat-food selections”
He just tilted his head as if to say ‘so?’
“Be grateful and eat it. You’d think that you were a prince or something from the way you strut around the block. No wonder you’re called ‘the Emperor’”
Chansung left the bowl of food out on the porch and turned to head back into his house. And as usual, he left the front door wide open. The Emperor never enters but he still hopes that one day the strange little cat might come to like him.
Chansung was a simple man with a nice little house in a quiet suburb. He has a few close friends and a decent job which he wouldn’t trade for the world. The neighbours are friendly enough and he prefers the ease of the single life so he was shocked to one day find a little tuxedo cat waiting for him when he returned late from work. He knew there was a stray cat in the neighbourhood because of its random cries in the night and the tipped over rubbish bins but he didn’t know the mysterious creature would finally show itself before him.
As much as he wants to peddle his bike at the speed of light to get home in time for Running Man, he was too exhausted to exert himself. Work dragged on till late hours and he just managed to slip his boss, Mr Ok, at 8:30PM. It was dark when he reached home and his porch light was out so he couldn’t see much in front of him.
As he approached the door, he stepped on something and before he could gather his thoughts, a sharp claw lashed out at his face.
“What! Who’s there?”
No reply other than a couple more bites and scratches at his suit pants. He quickly fumbled for his keys to get his front door to open and to turn on the lights for the entry way. He turned back to look for his attacker but found no one. He stepped out of his house to try and get a better look but again stepped on something. He looked down just in time to see a paw fly out at his face. This time however he was able to dodge and step back into the safety of his house. Like an invisible barrier was placed between them, his little attacker froze and took a few steps back to sit just shy of his front door.
A cat.
He stepped on a cat.
And it attacked him.
“I would apologise but you did just as much damage to me as I did to you”
The cat looked away in offence.
“Okay, okay I am sorry. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Chansung, what is yours?”
The cat slowly blinked.
He scoffed, “I’m talking to a cat”
He giggled to himself and went back in, not realising that the cat silently meowed his reply after him.
Chansung got dressed and readied himself for work. As he stepped out of the house, the Emperor perked up from his spot on the porch and sat upright.
“The Emperor is still as loyal as ever to you, isn’t he Chansung?”
He looked up to see his neighbour Jinyoung watering his plants.
“Good morning hyung. Always at my doorstep, same time, same place, same seating position. However I think he’s sulking because I got him the Tuna flavoured cat-food when he wanted the Chicken one. What kind of cat doesn’t like Tuna?”
“Well at least he acknowledges your presence. I’ve been living in the same neighbourhood for 15 years and in all my time here, the Emperor never cared to spare a single glance at any of us ‘commoners’,” he chuckled at his own joke.
Chansung approached the Emperor and reached out to pet him but the cat turned his back to him.
“I said I was sorry, don’t be like that. Please?”
He waited for a couple more seconds and slowly the cat turned to face him and walked in between in legs and let out a low rumble deep from his chest. Chansung bent down and played with him for a bit before he bid his goodbyes to the Emperor and Jinyoung and hopped onto his bike and peddled away for work.

pairing: chansung/junho, fandom: 2pm, rating: pg-13

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