If anyone knows me well enough, you'll know I'm a Silent Hill fan, and while playing the first hour or two of Silent Hill: Homecoming, I've made some predictions about the story. It isn't the same team, and it seems to be based on the movie Jacob's Ladder, so I don't know. I could be right or wrong, so these could be spoilers. Who knows. I'm going to throw it behind a cut just in case. I just thought it would be neat to post my guesses and see if I was right later.
First of all, Alex is dead. He just got out of the hospital and in the nightmare that begins the game, the first thing he says is something like "Where is my team? Did we make it?". It's possible that everyone else you meet in the game is also dead, but who knows? Maybe they just got caught up in the whole otherworld thing. Time seems to have stopped and they are trapped in the town, but the time is stopped at the same time for everybody, so I don't know. Maybe this otherworld limbo started at that time. However, it seems as if people have been going missing every day, probably from this limbo. If everyone was in the limbo and the people who are missing are missing from that limbo, maybe they aren't all dead. I'm pretty sure Alex is, though, or at least there will be a "he was dead the whole time" ending, which was also seen in Silent Hill 1.
The judge, mayor, and Alex's dad are evil at the very least, and probably members of The Order. They are all from founding families of the town, it seems, and being so close to Silent Hill, it's likely that the town was also founded based on that cult. The judge just seems plain evil. She doesn't seem to care much about what's going on in the town. The mayor seems to be working with the monster that kills him, and begs for it's protection before he is killed. Alex's dad just seems shady, and has the same lock on his hunting room as the founding family tombs in the graveyard, which connects them as well.
Josh is probably in some way being used by The Order. On a cassette tape found in Alex's parents' room, Alex's dad tells Josh to let Alex be as childish as he wants and to not get involved in that, and if he needs friends, talk to him. He seems to be pushing Alex away from the family while trying to keep Josh close. There seems to be a whole lot of "yes, sir" in the flashbacks, as well. It seems like a very military-based family. Alex's room has a few patriotic military posters. It seems like being a soldier was decided for him, possibly to remove him from the family. Maybe there is some sort of ritual that the Shepards are expected to do, as a founding family, and it requires Josh. The judge's oldest daughter is looking for her younger sister, who the judge never mentions, as well, and the mayor's young son is also missing, and he doesn't seem to care.
And that's about it for now.