Nov 05, 2008 00:26
And now, not having had a real job for the last 11 months has soundly bitten me in the ass, in that I am woefully short of guns and ammo at a time like this. And, of course, now I gotta get 'em while they're hot...
Here's to hoping we weather the next 4 years without having too many of our rights trampled into unrecognizability.
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Besides, why flag? Nothing wrong with buying guns, at least, not yet.
Secondly, the day I need to justify my right to purchase a gun, this country has become a tyranny.
All of this is stupid anyway, since Obama said in at least one speech that he has NO plans for new gun control laws. That being the case, isn't is silly to spend your next 3-5 paychecks on enough guns and ammo to equip a battalion when, if you really insist on buying the bloody things, you've got lots of time to spread it out and not look suspicious?
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