Apr 29, 2008 01:47
Well, it's that time of year again. I'll be leading a trip of interested parties to PSS Range and Training up in Roanoke on Reading Day. It's a fun trip, a good way to blow off steam before exams, and a great opportunity for folks who're interested to get involved in the hobby.
Of course, you'll want details.
Thursday, 01 May, 2008
12:00 - Collect at my apartment
12:30 - Depart for Roanoke
16:00 - Estimated arrival back in Blacksburg
Class for newbies - $20
Ammo - $12 - $15 / 50 round box (Odds are, you won't go through more than 2/hr)
Range Time - $10/hr + ($6/hr to split your lane with a friend)
Rental - $10/pistol
Targets - $0.75/target
Estimated cost for 1 person, single person to the lane, ~$60.
It sounds like a lot, but they're some of the most reasonable indoor range prices I've encountered, and it's a very friendly, professional atmosphere.
If you have your own pistol and want to ring it along (that's what I'll be doing), you can shoot for much less, since you don't need a rental and can buy your ammo for a good bit less per box.
We did this last semester and it was quite fun. Stopped in at Panera for some food afterwards.
Anyone who's interested, contact me (however works), and we'll see about getting enough cars for transportation. If you're a poor, starving college student, but just DESPERATELY want to go, drop me a line, we'll see about working something out. I'd very much like to help folks get the opportunity to check out this hobby, but keep in mind, my own resources are, themselves, limited.
Bad timing, or just want to do it on the cheap? Fear not, if you miss this, I hope to head out to the Jefferson Forest range some weekends or afternoons/evenings throughout summer and next semester. The Jefferson Forest range is just over the hill from Blacksburg, 100 yards to PSS's 25, and free, but the facilities are somewhat lacking by comparison to PSS (no professional trainers to get you started on the right foot, gotta mount your own targets, no running water).
Hope to see a crowd.
sport shooting,
reading day