Where the hell did the last five months go?

Jul 23, 2016 01:31

Oh my goodness, where did the last five months go?! I can't believe the last time I posted here was February! Huge apologies for the radio silence and tank you so much to everyone who posted birthday wishes even though I wasn't here. You're all so very kind :)

All's well here, but I've been very tied up with work. I'm still working in Edinburgh so I've got a long commute twice a week and most of my other evenings are tied up ferrying daughter to and from her sports clubs. She's ten now, and almost as tall as me already. How on earth did that happen?!

Even though I haven't been here, I haven't forsaken our beloved navyboys! Not by a long shot. I'm involved in running a naval history research committee and am also helping to organise a conference on maritime masculinities in December. Both of which are very rewarding but take up a lot of time. And of course nodbear and I have been putting the finishing touches to our book which will be published in September. More about that in a separate post later hopefully. I've also been gathering bits and pieces of things which I've been meaning to post here for ages so hopefully I'll have a chance to post them soon. I'm on holiday for the next fortnight for the first time since Christmas so I'm looking forward to having a good break.

I hope you're all well and life is being kind to you and your loved ones. L x

My kitties are very grown up now too as you can see :)

I have to confess I have also been moonlighting as SnK trash on tumblr and seem to have written a stupid amount of Eruri fic, but the less said about that the better :}

real life, snk, kitties, history

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