
Aug 23, 2015 13:10

Belated beach pics as promised! Because I haven't posted enough pictures of Hebridean beaches before :} All these pictures were taken on Traigh na Berie or Reef Beach which is without question my favourite place in the world. I seem to have a deep seated need to get to Reef once a year to blow the cobwebs away and they certainly got blown away this year! As you can see from the pics the weather was changeable to say the least, and culminated in a force eight gale. We could have gone back to my sister's house to weather the gale but instead we sat on the beach front watching the gannets diving for the shoals of fish driven in shore by the storm. It was glorious :) Also, no midgies which is always a bonus!

Crossing the Minch

Harebells, the bluebell of Scotland

Wild thyme

Machair flowers

Harris tweed

Nice boat on the Caledonian Canal

Stornoway harbour looking dramatic

hebrides, real life, ships

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