
Oct 04, 2014 22:58

Hello, remember me? I'm still beset by builders here, but at last the end is in sight. Huzzah! The building work should be finished by the end of next week and then all we have to do is decorate four rooms and sort our house out from top to bottom. With any luck we'll be done by Christmas :} It's also that time of year when our delightful university tries its damnedess to sneakily terminate everyones contract's. Joy abounds.

Never mind, we managed to escape the chaos last weekend and went off down to Galloway for a few nights camping with friends. The weather was grand and we spent two days bimbling round the Wigtown book fair, over indulging at the farmers market, chilling by the beach and drinking too much gin. I also managed to pick up second hand copies The Floating Republic: An Account of the Mutinies at Spithead and the Nore in 1797 and Peter Le Fevre's Precursors of Nelson: British Admirals of the Eighteenth Century. Not a bad weekend all in all. I could do with a few more like that!

Hope you guys are all good?

Just add gin

real life, books, galloway

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