
Feb 01, 2014 12:57

I'm sure many of you will have seen this before, but it's new to me and it's rather lovely so I'm posting it here. This clip, which is allegedly one of the first same sex kisses filmed, is from the 1927 silent film Wings starring Clara Bow, Charles Rogers, and Richard Arlen. (The music is modern.) There's a fascinating wikipedia entry about the film here. The plot is a classic love triangle and the film climaxes with the following scene:

The climax of the story comes with the epic Battle of Saint-Mihiel. David is shot down and presumed dead. However, he survives the crash landing, steals a German biplane, and heads for the Allied lines. By a tragic stroke of bad luck, Jack spots the enemy aircraft and, bent on avenging his friend, begins an attack. He is successful in downing the aircraft and lands to retrieve a souvenir of his victory. The owner of the land where David's aircraft crashed urges Jack to come to the dying man's side. He agrees and becomes distraught when he realizes what he has done. David consoles him and before he dies, forgives his comrade.

image Click to view

It has to be said, as final lines go, "All set" is up there with "Better already". *sniffle*

remembrance, film, homosexuality, history

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